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My Little Pony, Moustaches and Marshmallows

"Guess what?" I asked stuffing a fry into my mouth.

I was sat against my locker, with my two bestfriends, happily eating our lunch.

"What?" Dave and James asked turning towards me.

"My dad has a girlfriend."

"He what?"

"He has a girlfriend. Her name is Kira and she's super rich and posh and girly and I hate it." I muttered, swirling another fry in sauce.

"Since when was your dad women hunting?" Dave asked.

"I know he was set up on dates with some of the worst women Parker and Peter could find, but a solid girlfriend?" James questioned.

"I dunno but it seems off. Maybe she's putting a spell on him." I chewed.

"Maybe she's a changeling, like Queen Chrysalis, and has put your father under a trace, like Shining Armour." Dave gasped.

James and I looked at him.

Dave subtly looked behind him. "Whaaaattt. Who said that? Who still watches My Little Pony?" He muttered, scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry I'm late guys." CJ called, walking to our table. "I was held up with another great prank."

"Will we get to see it?" I asked looking at her salad.

"It shall commence in 3... 2... 1..."

A series of high pitched screams ran throughout the school as we all looked for the source.

5 or so minutes later, four girls, wrapped in towels, ran out of the change rooms. They had all been covered in some sort of dye. One covered in yellow, one in green, one in red and one in purple.

"What did you do?" James asked, laughing slightly.

"I unscrewed the shower heads and placed three or so inside-thingys of a felt tip marker inside." CJ announced, picking up a piece of lettuce with her fork.

Sam walked towards us smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey everyone."

We all exchanged a simple greeting, as he looked around the floor space for somewhere to sit.

He sat across from me, moving my outstretched legs to give himself room. I took this as an invite to place my legs onto of him, earning a slight scowl from him.

"Would CJ Adams please make her way to the principle's office." An electronic voice rang down the halls.

"And that's when I shall be leaving. Ttfn, ta ta for now." CJ smiled, standing up.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked, watching CJ's retreating body.

"She pulled an epic prank and now she is in trouble." James replied.

"Is that why the teletubies made an appearance in the hall just then?"

"Why yes, it would be just that."


"I'm gonna puke."

"You'll be fine."

"Fry chucks splattered everywhere."

"You'll be fine."

"I'll randomly become mute."

"You'll be fine."

"I'll faint."

"Stop being such a girl. You'll be fine."

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