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Waiters, Sharks and Girlfriends

"What could I get you?" The waiter asked, with the notebook placed firmly in his right hand and the pen in his left.

"Um... I'll have a steak sandwich." Sam replied briefly ripping his eyes from the menu and to the waiters face.

"And what kind of salad would you like?" The waiter asked me.

Salad? Excuse me? "Salad - in my opinion - is for rabbits. I'll have a chicken pot pie with fries." I smiled at the waiter, placing my menu on the table.

We ordered our drinks and waited for them to arrive.

"I call you Girly because your not."

"Pardon?" I asked, lifting my head to look at Sam.

"I call you Girly because based on my first impression of meeting you as well as the fact that everything that comes out of your mouth is certainly not girly. Not one bit." Sam smiled.

"Well if its a compliment; thank you and if it's an assault; I don't care. But you see, I'm even better then those girly girls." I stated with confidence and I felt my ears heating up but luckily I left my hair down in my mad rush out of the house.

"Compliment. Are you gonna tell me why you call me traffic light?"

"Well your initials are S.T.O.P so when I think of stop, I think of a traffic light , because they stop you and stuff." I shrugged, realising how stupid my reason sounded.

"That's incredibly clever."

"Why thank you."

"Chicken pot pie." The waiter placed the plate in front of me. "And a steak sandwich." He placed a plate in front of Sam.

When the waiter left, Sam turned his attention back to me, instead of the food.

"What class do you have after lunch?" Sam asked me, before taking a bite out of his food.

"I have a study hall." I murmured, chewing on my food.

"That's good."

Sam took me to a cute little diner just five minutes away from school. It is called Joy's Kitchen and it is owned by a nice old lady called Joy. I used to come to a diner like this but then I stopped earning money and it had shut down so I had opted for McDonald instead.

"How did you find this place? I've lived in this town since birth and I didn't know about it." I spoke, slowly savouring the pie taste in my mouth.

"I was looking for a job a few weeks back and I came across this place. I work here on the evenings and weekends." Sam replied chewing.

"Well since were friends, I expect a discount every time I come here." I stated before sipping my lemonade.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Just know I will come here a lot."

" I can deal with that," he paused, "friend." Sam smiled a goofy grin. "By the way, friend, can I have your phone?"

"My phone?"

"Yeah so I can save my number into it."

"Okay..." I fished my phone out of my pockets and gave it to him.

"What is your password?" He asked, typing in failed attempts.

I took my phone out of his hands and type in the passcode.

Sam took my phone and placed his number inside before locking the screen.

"Now you can call me whenever you want." He smiled.

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