t h i r t e e n

648 23 13

Lunch, Phone Calls and Tux's

"This saturday, we gon' party all night

One we will remember for the rest of our lives..."

"What the fuck?"

"This Saturday, we gon' do it bigger than, we ever had before

I don't want this Saturday to end..."

"It just started now shut up!" I scowled, fumbling with my phone.

I blindly slid across the screen and answered the call.

"Presley, where are you?!?" The voice on my phone shouted.

I opened one eye and read the caller ID. Daddy-Poo?


"Yes honey, dad."

"Why you so loud?"

"Because you're gonna be late for lunch!"


"With Kira? Lady bonding time? Ring any bells?"

I formed an o with my mouth, then frowned.

"Do I have to go?" I whined.

"Yes and you cannot get out of it."


After I woke Sam up and drove home, he waved me goodbye and left in his car.

I opened the door and grinned slightly.

"Presley hurry up. Go change and wear something nice." I was greeted with by my father.

After I showered, I found one of my good jeans, a singlet and an oversized flannel rolled up at my arms.

I brushed my hair, then slipped on a beanie just as the door bell rang.

I pulled on a pair of converse then shoved my wallet and phone into my pockets.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Kira was twirling her hair and smiling flirtatiously at my father.

She wore a dress that squeezed her boobs and outlined her curves.

Why would a women like her want a man with five children? I don't understand.

Kira's gaze moved towards me and her smiled wavered slightly as she ran her eyes over my outfit, disgust filling her eyes.

I returned her gaze with a look of my own daring her to say anything.

"I hope you two have fun at tea." My dad kissed Kira. Gag.

He looked at me and gave me a stern look, "Den bei se beládes. {eng: don't get into trouble}."

I nodded, rolling my eyes. My father speaks fluent Greek whilst the rest of us can't. This is the only phrase we understand because my father has used it so often in the past twenty one years.

"Off we pop." Kira smiled, too enthusiastically, as we walked out the front door and to her car.



We entered a small posh cafe filled with ladies in dresses and men in tux's. It was horrible.

Everyone was judging me with their eyes, some not understanding the term of whispering and insulting me for myself to hear.

A waitress lead us to our seats and handed us both a menu.

I read through the menu, my face scrunching up in confusion.

Chicken Cordon Bleu.

Lamb Salad with Fregola.

What is a Fregola?

"Can I get you anything?" The waitress asked, returning from whatever errand she had completed before hand.

"May I please have the Vegan Charcuterie and a glass of Riesling?" Kira ordered, lifting her eyes from her order to the waitress.

I don't know what the hell she just ordered but I bet it's expensive.

"Of course. And for you miss?"

"Do you have burgers, fries and soda?" I asked.

"Um I'm sorry but we do not have burgers but I can get you a chicken snitzel with baked potato chips."

"Yeah whatever."

"And what soda do you want?"

"Uh fanta is just fine."

"Okay thank you." She took the menu and disappeared to the back.

"Honey, we need to get you some dresses." Kira declared.

"I don't wear dresses." I stated.

"And why's that?"

"The last dress I wore was a black one at my mums funeral. My grandma dressed me. After that I didn't see my grandma as much and it was my dad that dressed me every day. And a dress wasn't ideal."

"So what? You dress yourself now."

"Dresses bring back bad memories."

"Well get over them please. This is present not past. If I'm gonna be seen around with you in public, you better clean up."

Before I could answer my phone rang.

"I'm... too sexy for my shirt

Too sexy for my shirt

So sexy it hurts..." My eyes widened as the music blared through the cafe.

I fumbled around with my phone but was too late to answer it

*missed call from Emperor of Sexiness*

The music started again, but I answered the phone before it could interrupt other people's meals.

"Traffic Light, what the hell did you do?" I growled.

"Why hello to you too Girly. Fancy seeing you here."

"You didn't answer the - wait... You can see me?" I questioned.

"I'm at your 12 o'clock."

I looked straight ahead and sure enough, Sam stood at the entrance of the cafe.

He stood with a women with an incredible completion and blonde curls tied into a neat bun.

Next to her was a man with waves of brunette hair.

Next to Sam stood a cute petite girl with beautiful brunette curls.

He lifted up a hand waved slightly.

From my seat, I took in Sam's appearance and dare I say it, he looked incredibly hot, though I would never say to his face.

"Presley, what are you looking at and who are you talking to?" Kira asked turning around. Her eyes wandered the cafe until they stopped on Sam's family.

"Do you know who that is?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"As far as I'm concerned the guy's name is Sam, he's in my class and he's a pain in the ass." I answered, pulling the phone away from my ear.

"No, the man. That is Jerald Peters. He owns a huge branch of security companies across the country." She spoke in an awed tone.


"You've got a rich hottie in your class. That is really important. I think we should say hi." She rose from her seat slightly.

"But I'm hungry." I whined.

The waitress placed our food on the table. I gestured towards it, and Kira sighed.

"We eat then talk."

Truth be told I don't want Sam's family to meet my dads girlfriend but what can I do? I'm just a witness.

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