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Silent Treatments, Toilets and Explanations

Ignoring two of the four only people you ever talk to is extremely hard. Especially if the two you are talking to is friends with the two you are not.

Sam tried to explain to me multiple times, but I wouldn't let him. Why you ask, I don't even know myself.

I want to rip out all of he's beautiful blonde curls and kick him in the balls - repeatedly - when at the same time I just want to kiss his soft pink lips senselessly and have him wrap his arms around me, enveloping me in his body heat and his cologne.

I sound like a girl. But for once, I think it's okay. I am a girl.

I walked into school, a blank expression on my face that has stayed like that since the party on Monday - today being Thursday - heading towards my locker.

As I rounded a corner I found CJ and Sam standing my locker.

Look, it's the golden couple. I thought bitterly.

Sam turned his head to look at me. He began advancing in my direction but I turned around sprinting to the bathroom.

He can't go in there. I thought triumphantly, locking myself in a stall to silently collecting my thoughts. The door swung open and CJ's voice rang through the room.


Sam can't go in but she can. The bitter voice returned into my head.

"Presley I can see you backpack. And before you put on a fake voice and ask who is Presley, you are the only person in the school that has a white backpack with her own drawings on them."

I sighed. Curse my creativity.

I opened the stall, hitting CJ with the door, causing her to fall on her butt.

She stood up and dusted off the back of her jeans.

I kept my expression cold as CJ looked for a crack in my demeanor. Giving up she turned away and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"I told myself I couldn't make friends." She started. "I gave up on even considering making friends because I always hurt them. I feel jealous and envious of what other people have and I feel like I need to take it away. I know it's wrong but my mind doesn't give two shits and it always fucks me up." She starting tearing up and I panicked.

I'm supposed to hate her. I can't comfort her. How do I comfort her?

"It's okay." I replied, patting her stiffly on the top of her head. "There there."

"I'm so sorry Presley. I didn't mean it. Really." She was full on sobbing at this point. Snot and everything. Even the little hiccups.

"Errrmmm.... Well I don't hate you but I don't forgive you. What you did hurt like a bitch and I can't just let it slip. Doesn't work like that."

"I understand." She sniffed. "Let me make it up to you. I'll do anything."

"Well there was that thing we talked about..." I smirked.

Operating Take Dads Girlfriend Down is back in business but maybe I should find a shorter name.

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