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Parties, Police Hats and Lavender

••Samuel Peters••

"Yo man. Thanks for coming." Diego greeted as I walked to his front door.

A group of girls in tight skimpy costumes, walked past, shooting me flirty looks. I tipped my police hat at them as they giggled back at me.

"No, thank you." I winked at Diego. I thumped him on the back before walking inside his house.

The house was huge. Thinking about it, if I decided to get piss drunk, I wouldn't be able to make my way to the front door.

The party had been pulled into full swing. Just the way I like it.

I sat on one of the couches, talking to some of the guys from my year as I settled myself in. Thinking about it, I hadn't tried to make friends with the guys in my year. I was always trailing after Presley and her weird ass friends, and I can't figure out why.

Ten or so minutes later CJ walked in, swinging her hips deliberately. A few seconds later a sword came into view revealing Zorro, being followed by Indiana Jones. If I had blinked I would have missed the next person entering. Presley walked in laughing at what Zorro had said. My mouth sagged slightly ajar as she walked into the house, my brain turning to mush.

She wore a blue sports bra, with Apollo written across it, showing off her cute little lady abs. She also wore red and white striped shorts, that reached just half way down her thigh. Her white socks reached her knee and she wore white sneakers. On top of her outfit she wore the same robe Apollo Creed wore and a pair of blue gloves - not boxing gloves - that were cut at her fingers.

The breeze from outside blew her pony tail as it bounced behind her, with every step she made. Everything slowed even more as she turned her head and made eye contact, sending me a small smile, sending my heart into overdrive.

She showed enough skin for imagination yet covered it enough not to come across as skimpy.

And right now I could not feel anymore attracted.

I watched as James, Dave and Presley disappeared down the hall, CJ nowhere to be found.

The boys whistled once they left and started talking about how hot Presley and CJ both looked.

Seconds later CJ sat next to me.

"Hello Sam." She winked, puffing her boobs out.

I ignored it and smiled at her. "Hey CJ."

"And why is a hot guy like you not with any girls?"

I shrugged and looked in the direction Presley walked in. "Not in that kind of mood, I guess."

"Ahh and why would this be?" CJ urged on, laying her hand on my thigh. I brushed her off, frowning slightly.

"I'm just not." I muttered. "I'm gonna get a drink." I called standing up.

"Be back soon." CJ waved.

On my way to the kitchen a flash of blue, white and red caught my eye. I walked in that direction, to see Presley on the deck, by herself.

"Hey Girly." I spoke, barely in a whisper. "Why are you all alone? Where's James and Dave?"

"Go away Traffic Light. I'm not in the mood." She muttered staring out at the backyard.

"Well if your not gonna tell me what's wrong, at least let me give you company."

"Yeah whatever."

Silence filled the air, and since I don't deal well with silence, I had to break it, only thing was I couldn't think of something to talk about. I racked my brain till something popped up.

"Does my hat smell like roses?" I asked her, pulling off my hat and placing it in front of her face.

She took a small sniff and smiled a small genuine smile. "Yeah kinda. And do you care to explain why it smells like roses?"

"Well my mum did my laundry and she recently changed to a rose smelling detergent and since my hat needed washing, she washed it with the rose detergent."

"Hey it's better than lavender. I hate the smell of lavender, plus I'm allergic to organic lavender plant."

"Really lavender?"

"Yeah. One time my dad forgot - I dunno how - that I was allergic and bought a lavender plant. I was playing indoor football with my brothers. When I went to go catch the ball, I slipped and fell, knocking over the plant. The petal fell all over me and I had hives all over my body for days."

I chuckled deeply and smiled at her, causing her ears to redden. "Your ears are blushing again, Presley."

She smiled at the use of her name. "Oh whatever, Sam."

And we spent the whole night together smiling and laughing and talking about anything and everything.

And that's when I knew I had feelings for her. I was falling for Presley Athena Hind.

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