e p i l o g u e

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. Before me laid the beautiful specimen I have the privilege of calling my boyfriend, still and unmoving. His hair slightly tasselled, his expression blank and his chest slowly rising and dropping under my head.

After the ball, it took Sam two weeks to ask me on a date. It then took another three weeks of me waiting, before I ended up asking him to be my boyfriend.

I slowly rose from my position and walked into his ensuite.

Clad in a sports bra and a pair of long plaid pants, I looked at my appearance in the mirror.

Moments later Sam appeared behind me, wrapping his hands around my body. He kissed the crook of my neck.

"Morning, girly." He grinned.

"Morning." I smiled. He ran his finger down my mini six pack, sending shivers down my spine. "I know mine is impressive and that you wish your six pack was like mine but touching them won't improve yours." I joked.

He stepped away from me, and to my side. He wore identified pants to mine and stood shirtless. "Girly, babe, you are delusional, you know that right?"

I lifted my arms and flexed. "I'm more buff then you."

He did the same, his muscles beating mine by a mile but I can't tell him that. "Whatever you say."

"Loser." I muttered.

"The loser you love."

"Whatever." I pouted

He chuckled at my face and kissed me. "I love you." He murmured against my lips.

"I love you too loser."

Kira did end up marrying my dad and moved in with us. I then began going over to Sam's more, avoiding Kira and her ways. I don't completely hate her but I still don't like her.

Dave and CJ have been on one date so far and it was a disaster. But CJ found it cute that he put in the effort and agreed to a redo.

Senior year has only began and though it didn't start amazingly, I am looking forward to the rest of the year.

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