f i f t e e n

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Help, Heart To Hearts and Confessions

"I need your help."

"And how can I help?"

"My dads girlfriend is being a bitch and I need your help to scare her off."

"I see calling upon the prank master."

I rolled my eyes at CJ as she smirked, flipping her hair.

"Are you gonna help or not?" I sighed.

"It's gonna cost ya."

"Thank you!" I gushed, crushing her in a bear hug.

"Can't... breath..." CJ gasped. I quickly let her go, patting her slightly on the head.

Operation Take Dads Girlfriend Down, is a go.


"What's all the fuss?" Sam asked sitting down on our table in the cafeteria, as his eyes wandered over the excited chat every student was having.

"The End Of Summer ball is coming up." Dave replied, rolling his eyes.

The end of summer ball is a big deal around these parts. On the last day of summer the teachers put together a ball. The cafeteria is buzzing about it. The girls make a fuss about it being girls ask boys when really it gives guys justice. I personally think it's pointless, a waste of time and money for doing preparations.

"Are you all going this year?" Sam asked.

"Well depends on her." Dave pointed at me. "She never goes so I don't see the point in me going either."

"It's not my fault I never go. As Dave said, what's the point?" I mumbled.

"You're kidding me right?" James sighed, running a hand through his hair. "If I knew you would be like this in highschool, I wouldn't have let the soccer ball, you kicked, hit Dave in the face."

"You said you didn't see it. Well after you laughed." Dave gasped, his jaw a little slack.

"Well it wasn't. I saw the white and black blur spiral fast in your direction and I said nothing."

"You are the worst twin ever."

"You love me."



"Bleh blehh."

"Bluh bleh bleh bleh."

"Will you two shut up?" CJ snapped.

"Someone's nickers are in a twist." Sam smirked, causing the twins and I to snicker.

CJ sighed and picked at her salad. I can tell something is up, my girl-stinc is tingling but at far as my girl-stinc goes if she bursts into tear all I can do is pat her on the back instead of having long cubical conversations. I wasn't raised to deal with tears.

"Is something wrong?" I whispered as the guys kept snickering about underwear.

"It's nothing really. Really stupid." She sighed.

"I've seen stupid. Try me." I replied mentally laughing at all the situations my brothers have gotten themselves into.

"Well there's this guy I want to ask to the ball but I think he might like someone else." She looked at me, waiting for me to roll my eyes - which I didn't.

"Well maybe ask him and if he declines then it's okay. He doesn't deserve your time and worry."

She reached out and hugged me. "Thank you." She breathed.

"It's okay."

She smirked at me then asked, "When are you asking Sam?"

"Haha nope." I replied, my ears heating up. A lot.

"I believe you." She spoke sarcastically.

She turned to the rest of the group and smiled, "Let's go to a party."


Bodies everywhere.

Alcohol smell filling the rooms.

Couples making out all over the place.

This was your typical teenage partay environment.

I still ponder over why people do this every weekend. It's kinda gross.

But then again the high of being away from school and having no control over your body can be mildly appealing in the same.

"Heyyyyyyy Presley." CJ slurred, giggling a little. "Boop." She tapped my nose. "Did you know you are the bestest friend I've ever had? Ever."

"It's a honor." I chuckled, holding her up slightly.

As soon as we walked into the house, CJ went and got as much alcohols as she could carry.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm gonna go and..." She blinked, tapping her head. "I have important business to take care of." She saluted the strutted out of my line of vision.

I went to the beer pong table, getting ready to kick ass.


I smiled triumphantly as the guys around me sulked.

"No one beats Athena!" I half grunted, beating my chest.

"Damn girl. I'll admit." One of the guys looked another guy, "She beat us all and it was rather attractive."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm Presley and I'm here all night. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Sam. "Wait no, I'm leaving. Bye." I waved at the boys. 

As I walked towards him, I noticed another figure was walking towards. Standing my ground, I watched as CJ approached Sam. I became weary as I flirtatious grin was placed upon her lips.

"Hey Sam." She greeted, placing a hand on his chest.

"Hey CJ." Sam smiled a million dollar smile.

"I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the End Of Summer ball?"

My eyes widened as the world left her mouth. "Well there's this guy I want to ask to the ball but I think he might like someone else." That bitch!

"I don't know..."

"You haven't been asked have you?"


"You're not in a relationship?"


"See. So will you be my date?"

"I don't know CJ..."

"Maybe this will change your mind."

She placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him

I pang of pain, occurred in my chest but I brushed it off.

To make things worse, CJ grabbed one of Sam's hands and placed it on her butt. I'm gonna vomit.

I wanting this to end I approached the two, and coughed.

"What's going on here?" I asked, completely emotionless.

"I was giving Samuel a kiss I know he enjoyed." CJ smirked. Her smirk set me off.

I lunged at her, taking her to the ground and slapped her. I was about to hit her again when two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around my arms and pulled my off of CJ.

I turned to find the twins looking down at me. I struggled in their grip eventually breaking free.

I turned to Sam, making sure to be void of any emotion.

"Why'd you kiss her back?"

"Girly calm down."

"Don't Girly me!" I huffed. Feeling one last burst of anger, I punched Sam, square in the nose, knocking him to the ground. "Only friends use nicknames and Samuel, you are dead to me."

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