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Parties, Lunch and Funky Jazz

"Hey Pres, are you going to Diego's Halloween party?"

I looked at CJ skeptically.

Diego Latoya threw the biggest parties for all the major holiday events of the year, including his birthday.

Each year he would hold a Halloween party exclusively for the students at our school.

I've never attended. I've never cared. On Halloween I stay at home and watch the Scream series every year.

I also hate the whole "stuffed in a house with 100 plus intoxicated sweaty horny teenagers" kind of life. I don't know how people enjoy it, when I certainly don't.

"Nah. I'll stay at home like I do every year." I replied shoving a handful of chips in my mouth.

"Oh come on Presley," James exclaimed, "We didn't go last year or the year before or ever. Can we go just this once?"

"I don't know..." I chewed slowly.

"I agree with Presley." Dave interjected.

"But Dave," CJ started, batting her eyelashes, "You have to come as well. It'll be no fun without you."

Dave looked away with a fresh coat of pink tinting his cheeks. I see...

"Fine whatever. We'll go to stupid party. And I guess we'll have to go shopping and all that funky jazz." Dave shrugged.

"Funky jazz?" CJ snickered.

Dave just shrugged.

"What are y'all cool cats talking about?" Samuel asked, placing his tray on our table, "oh and Presley."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Diego's party."

"Are you already wearing your costume?" Samuel smirked. CJ, Dave and James snickered quietly.

"Oh hardy-har-har. So funny." I rolled my eyes again. "Samuel, why are you here?"


"Um what?"

"You can call me Sam, not Samuel... but sexy beast is fine too."

Gritting my teeth, I spat out, "Samuel, why are you here?"

"Gees She-Hulk. Calm down." Samuel called out.

The few people within our perimeter, laughed at his comments.

Getting annoyed I stood up and walked towards the exit.

"Cinderella, don't leave the ball!" Samuel called across the cafeteria.

I flipped him off and walked down the corridor.

How did he not see how annoying he is? I'll admit that he's attractive - maybe attractive being an understatement - but he doesn't need to know, though I'm pretty sure he already knows.


"Presley, Why are you feeling poopy?" Dave asked as we sat in study hall.

"Not now Dave." I mopped.

"Well if it makes you feel better, after art you get to go shopping with me, James and CJ."

"It really doesn't."

Going shopping with James is the most painful task known to man. He can lower your self esteem in three seconds flat.

He will tell you straight what looks good on you and what makes you look like a bloated whale.

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