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Hugs, Dresses and Balls

••Samuel Peters••

My hand racked through my hair as I approached the familia front door. Releasing a breath, I knocked and pulled away. The door swung open almost instantly as Mr. Hind stood behind it.

"Yes?" He asked slightly nervous.

"Is Presley home?" I asked with a sliver of hope.

"No." He sighed, "come in."

I walked through, just chilling in the doorway not knowing what to do.

"Sam, Presley hasn't been home since last night." He frowned.

"What, why? Is she okay?"

"Ye- well no, she's not okay. She's upset with my decision to remarry and she ran out, not telling anyone where she went."

"I think I may know where she could be." I pondered.

"Don't just stand there, go." He replied pushing me out the doorway, "please find my baby girl."


I walked through the aisle and towards the stage. Up against the back of the stage sat Presley with earphones in and eyes closed. I climbed on the stage and sat next to her.

Her eyes opened and narrowed at me.

"Are you here to watch me fall apart bit by bit?" She asked, humourlessly.

I shook my head. "Just talk, rant, vent; whatever you have to say."

She pulled out her earphone and looked at me.

She sighed giving in. "What you did hurt, like you have no idea how much it hurt. I fell for you - hard - and watching you kiss CJ felt like you just grabbed my heart and squished it, stepped on it, spat on it and left it there. I wanted to seem tough so I resorted to violence. It worked at the time but the pain came back every time I saw you or CJ.

"Everything just got worse when dad told me he was getting married, again. Yes my mum isn't alive but doesn't mean she is just gone from our family memories. She was part of our family, part of me." She released a sob, tear running down her cheeks. "I don't want a new mum, I want my old one. I don't want a prissy bitch to boss me around and turn me into a girl. I want someone that'll love me for me, nurture me for me, a real mum, my real mum, but she's not coming back."

"When my mum remarried I wasn't exactly a happy camper. I loved my dad and still see him every now and then but my mum is happy and that's what counts. Maybe look at this from your dads perspective. Does he look at Kira in a loving way?"

Hesitant, she nodded.

"Does he smile when he's around her?"

Again she nodded.

"This means he's happy and loves Kira even if he loved your mum. He's learnt to let her go and you need to try to too."

She slipped her arm under mine and wrapped the around my back. I hugged her back.

"Thank you Traffic Light." She whispered.

I grinned, "My pleasure Girly."

I pulled back, my eyes flickering to her lips. I leaned in slightly until a hand hit my cheek.

"No no no. Don't think because you solved one problem, the other one isn't there." She stated.

Oh that. "Will you let me explain?"

"Yes but please get to the point or I'll leave."

"Okay so I was just talking to some of the guys when she approached me. She kissed me, flirted with me but I don't like her like that. I never have, never will because, Girly, I like you. Nothing you say will change that, at all. I'm so sorry I caused you pain. I would never hurt you."

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