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Senior Year, Timetables, Nose Bleeds and Aviators

"JAMES! DAVE! HURRY UP!" I shouted at the front door, whilst honking my car horn. "IF YOU'RE NOT OUT IN THE NEXT TWO SECONDS, I'M LEAVING YOUR SORRY ASSES HERE!"

The front door swung open, revealing my two, and only, best friends.

The passenger door sung open, revealing one half of the twins.

Dave hopped in, clad in a black t-shirt, a jean jacket, and a pair of black jeans.

"Gees Presley, calm your tits."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Wow, it's great to see you too, Dave."

The backseat door swung open revealing the other half.

James was wearing a plain blue shirt, buttoned up to the top, with a pair of khaki Capri.

"Hey Presley."

"Hey Jamba." I replied as I drove out of their driveway.


Within the next seven minutes, we had arrived at school.

"Ahh good old Richmond High." I sighed staring at the building in front of me.

"We made it. We are officially seniors. It took us so long but, we made it." James sighed along with me.

"I really don't feel that different." Dave shrugged.

"Dave, honey, we are seniors. How do you not feel different!? Being a senior means we have priority parking, full length lockers, the normality to get drunk off our asses and do other stupid senior shit!" James exaggerated.

"None of that is important!" Dave hissed quietly at James

"Not important my ass."

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the big grey door of my high school as the two kept bickering.

I looked down at my black women's 1460 Dr. Martens and realized how satisfied I was with my outfit.

I was wearing my favourite red flannel with a black tank top and plain black jeans. I had also chosen to wear my plain black bucket hat. Perfect.

Eventually the two stopped as I was about to enter the brick building.

"Wait Pres, slow down."

"You know my body isn't fashioned for exercise."

The two brought both of their bodies in front of me, blocking my way.

"You promised we'd enter our senior year together with a dramatic entrance." James whined.

"Yeah I was kind of looking forward to that." Dave shrugged.

"Well, do you have our glasses?" I asked.

"Couldn't forget em." They both replied.

James pulled out three pairs of aviators from his bag.

I placed a pair gracefully on my face.

Both the boys put on their glasses.

"You ready?" I asked, slightly buzzing.

Dave gave a small nod.

"Let's show these bitches who is boss."

Kicking the door open with my foot, we walked with synchronization into our senior year.

We kept our eyes forward and kept walking. In my head Back in Black played in sync with our movements.

Honestly it kind of hurt that the people we had gone through schooling with since pre-k, didn't know who we, the three amigos, were. I guess part of it was because we had the aviators on but that was not the point.

Once we had reached the main office, we took off the glasses with great synchronization. I looked at my two best friends

"I have to say; we are the most awesomest people Richmond High has ever had the chance to educate."


After collecting our timetables we walked down the hallway, again, going unnoticed.

"What class do you have next?" I asked as we walk straight down the corridor. I wrapped my arms around my notebook.

"I have home-etch." James replied, smiling brightly at me.

"I have physics." Dave rolled his eyes, drooping his shoulders.

"Aw Dave don't- ah fuck." I ran into something as we were walking. A great amount of pain shot through my nose and blood started pouring out of it in great quantities.

I looked up straight at the object I hit, to find myself within close proximity of the object. Firstly all I saw was a rock hard chest, clad in a grey t-shirt, but soon my eyes traveled upwards to find the top of the object.

In front of me stood an extremely attractive male specimen with blonde curly hair and a black bandanna wrapped securely around his forehead.

"Watch were you're going." The object grunted towards my general direction obviously not looking at me.

"Well sorry I was in your way, bandanna boy." I replied back, trying to contain my nose.

"Well aren't you going to pick up your..." He looked towards the floor, to see my notebook, covered in my blood, "bloodified... notebook...?" His eyes shot upwards towards my face. "Shit, your nose."

"Firstly; nah duh. Secondly; I kind of can't pick up my bloodified notebook. Do you mind helping me out, bandanna boy, or are you waiting for another girl to crash into you and have a nose bleed and broken nose?" I asked irritated.

"How are you sure your nose is broken? I recon it's fine. Just a little blood." Is he serious?

"Well I have experienced a broken nose four times before this, making this one lucky number five and I live with five males that have had these kinds of breakages before, so I think I know a thing or two about broken noses." I puffed out.

"Sorry to intrude," James popped in looking straight at the boy, "since she crashed into you, and you are the main cause for her pain, you are required to look after her. If you don't take her to the nurse, my dear brother and I will make you regret it." James jabbed bandanna boy in the chest with his index finger.

Dave nodded, arms crossed. The twins aren't the most intimidating people in the world but they have their moments

"Well, girly, I guess you have the lucky opportunity to ride along with the Sexy Express to the nurse's office." He looked slightly cautious, but went along with it never the less.

He bent down and picked up my notebook with just his index and thumb. He slowly looked at James and Dave.

I turned towards James and Dave.

"Who the hell is that?" Dave whisper-yelled.

"I have no idea." I whisper-yelled back.

The warning bell rang.

"We should go." James said.

"I'll see you in Chemistry." James said, whilst himself and his brother waved at me. I waved back at them and looked back at the curly haired male specimen before me.

As I was talking to James and Dave he took this as an opportunity to look in my notebook.

"HEY STOP LOOKING IN THAT!" I shouted at him. The sudden noise made him close the book quickly and blink in shock.

Satisfied with his reaction, I started walking towards the nurse's office.

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