s e v e n t e e n

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Beach Trips, Revenge and Sprinting

Thursday soon turned to Friday which eventually rolled into Saturday. And by Saturday I still hadn't talked to Sam. I am royally pissed and I haven't had the patience to hear what he was to say. He takes too long and doesn't get to the point fast enough.

"Athena, will you be a dear and make the sandwiches?" Kira's shrill voice ran from the lounge to the kitchen.

"Of course Kira." I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes.

Kira thought it would be a good idea to go to the beach before the sun started hibernating. My father thinks it's great bonding time, Kira thinks it's a great opportunity to boss me around whilst I think it's a great time for revenge.

And revenge is best served cold. Especially in summer.


"47 buckets oats on the wall, 47 buckets of oats. You take one down, pass it around and you get 46 buckets of oat on the wall..." Patrick's voice could barely be heard over my earphones, but it was heard either way.

I glanced towards Kira, who had a sour expression and glared straight ahead.

My father grinned, tapping a rhythm on the staring wheel.

He has always loved car trips. He loves the togetherness of a family. I admire that.

"Are we almost there?" Kira whined, pouting seductively. I rolled my eyes, turning up the volume of my music.

There was a slight pause in my music then it restarted. I looked down at my phone and frowned.

Presley, please hear me out.

Another came through after another and another.

Please stop ignoring me

You don't know what you are doing to me.

I'm stupid for you. Please reply.

Sick of his messages I switched on the "do not disturb" and carried on.

I looked out of my window to see the shore approaching. I opened my window, letting the sea salt wind hit my face.

The car slowed down as my dad found a parking spot. Once the car stopped I hoped off my seat and pulled back the mini van doors.

I wore white shorts and an oversized band tee.

I grinned and walked towards the beach with my backpack slung on my back.

We found a vacant spot and started setting up.

I stood up, staring at the beach, inhaling deeply through my nose.

I've always loved the beach, just have never had the time.

"Athena!" Kira's shrill voice called.


"Could you apply sunscreen on my back, but please make it even or ill look patchy and we can't have that."

A thought entered my mind as I looked at the lotion bottle. A mischievous grin broke out on my face as I nodded. "Of course I can Kira."

I watched the boys run off to the volleyball courts.

She looked satisfied and lay down with shades covering her eyes and clad in an expensive designer bikini her stomach of a beach towel.

I rummaged through my bag for the supplies and began.

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