f i v e

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Partnership, Romance, and Friday Detention

"Today I will be giving you your class assignment." The whole class groaned at this terrible statement.

"Since we are doing Romeo and Juliet and it was originally written as a play, you will be displaying a dramatic dialogue, in front of the class, in pairs."

I almost ran out of the room crying. Considering this is a romance book, romantic scenes will be in the dialogue.

I'm not completely heartless but I just hate the thought of love and romance.

Love is painful and can ruin and reck a persons emotions. Look where Romeo and Juliet got with their relationship.

Doodling in my book, I waited for my name to be called out.

"Presley Hind and Samuel Peters." My eyes widened in horror.

All the girls sighed in disappointment.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!?" I shouted, standing up. Even though Mr. Gibson scares the living shit out of me, sometimes my anger takes control of my brain and I end up saying things I know I'll regret later on.

"I beg your pardon Ms. Hind." Mr. Gibson asked, slightly taken back by my outburst.

"I can't work with... with that thing!" I cried, cracking my knuckles. It's how I coped in stressful situations.

"That thing will help you raise your grade from a D to a C."

"Who cares!? I was never good a literature!" I flung my arms into the air.

"Ms. Hind if you don't sit down now, I will call your father."

"Can you please switch my partner with someone else?"

"Now now, girly. You shouldn't go hurting people's feelings like that." Samuel had the nerve to state in front of the class.

I turned my attention to him and sent him a killer glare. He raised his hands in a surrendering motion.

"No you cannot switch. Mr. Peters here has the highest GPA for this class, in the whole year. If he can't help you, you are helpless." Mr. Gibson replied.

"Fine whatever. But I'm sure there are some girls in this class that would much rather be working with that than me." I mumbled, looking at all the disappointed looks around the room.

"My decision is final." Mr. Gibson stated. "Oh and Ms. Hind?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Yeah?"

"I'll be seeing you later in room 158 for detention." He replied smugly.

Groaning I sat back down, muttering asshole to myself.


Room 156...

Room 157...

Room 158

I opened the door and scanned the room. Room 158 had to be one of the smallest classrooms.

At the front desk there was a sleeping Mr. Gibson.

There were only a few detentioners in the room. Three of them being Ricky Free, CJ Davis and Taylor Adams, who are the most known detentioners at our school.

Ricky was a junior, tattoo covered, tall skinny guy that had skrillex type hair. He was known for having drugs and booze around school.

CJ, a senior, had white dyed hair with black at the roots and a nose ring. She was the queen when it came to pranking. No one could prank nor out-prank her. Never. Ever. Though she was popular for her pranks she was always alone and hung out with herself.

Taylor was a sophomore manwhore that had blonde quiffed hair. He was your typical jock with wide shoulders and a muscular build. The only thing with Taylor was he liked doing bad shit cause why not.

The seat I appealed to the most was the window seat. It was furtherest away from all of them and it was also a place that allows my mind to wander.

I sat down and pulled out my phone and notebook. I plugged my earphones in my phone and pressed shuffle.

I tapped my foot quietly as I silently drew in my notebook.

After awhile, my notebook was swiftly taken away from my grasp by a pair of black manicured nails.

I pulled an earphone out of my right ear and looked up at CJ.

"Do you mind?" I asked looking at her with a glare.

"No not really." CJ replied nonchalantly as she flipped through the pages. "You're really good at drawing."

She gave me back my notebook and sat next to me.

"I'm CJ Davis." She stuck out her hand.

"I'm Presley Hind." I replied shaking her hand.

"Wait is your brother The Peter Hind?" She asked, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"I'm not sure about The Peter Hind but he sure is a Peter Hind."

"He had to have been the best HighSchool pranksters that lived. I've seen a whole bunch of his videos on YouTube. He is my idol. He's also very hot." She winked.

I wrinkled my nose, "I would tell him he has a number 1 fan, but his ego is way too big for that."

We both laughed, knowing it's true.

"You're a pretty cool chick. We should hang out sometime." CJ smiled.

"That would be cool. Instead of sitting alone at lunch, you could sit with my friends, James and Dave and I." I smiled back.

"What about that Sam kid? You two seem pretty close."

I rolled my eyes. "No. He's an ass."

"But he's a hot ass, with a hot ass." She giggled.

I nodded my head in agreement, looking at the clock.

"I think we can leave now."

"Yeah we may as well."

Together we walked out of the hall way and into the car park. It was then I realised that I had no ride.

"Hey CJ?"


"Do you mind dropping me home?"

"Well that depends." CJ stated, swinging he keys between her fingers.

"Yeah? On what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You introduce me to your brother."

I chuckled, approaching a blue jeep. "Deal."

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