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Cuss Words, Set Ups and Katy Perry

The pampered princess in front of me gasped at my cuss word, whilst I stared at my father for an explanation.

"Athena! Watch your language." My dad scowled.

"Whatever. Explain this." I rudely pointed at Kira, looking at her straight posture, tight dress and expensive jewellery.

"I've decided to settle down and I met Kira. She is a lovely women and I've been dating her for a few months."

"A few months!?" Philip half shouted. "Why the hell haven't you said anything to us?"

"The element of surprise?" Dad shrugged. "Food is getting cold, lets eat."

If my dad knew how to make a distraction, it was definitely food.

We all sat at the table, my dad at the head, Peter at the other side. Kira sat next to my dad and across from me.

"Altair {patrick} will you say grace?"

Patrick nodded and we all held hands.

Patrick closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, awaiting the words to come to him. "Grace."

We all let go and dove in.

Kira looked slightly confused but went along with it.

I piled my plate with as much food possible whilst across from me, Kira had a placed only a few leaves of lettuce on her plate.

Kira looked distastefully at my plate.

I eat heaps and keep a nice figure, but it doesn't mean I have good metabolism. Because my family life evolves around physical exercise, I still keep a slim body and I'm happy with the way I look.

"So um, Athena?" Kira started.

"Please call me Presley." My words mushed together as I chewed.

She wrinkled her nose but looked past it. "Do you have any hobbies?"

"I like drawing and soccer." I shrugged. "And you?"

"I like window shopping and going to the beauty salon."

"Ew." I muttered.

My dad sent me a look, silently telling me to be nice. I innocently smiled back and looked back at my food.

"Maybe you two could bond and get to know each other better." My dad suggested

"No thank you." I shot down. "I have too much... homework... to complete."

"Since when did you do your homework?" Parker smirked, all my brothers looking at me expectantly.

"Since I was getting low grades in English?"

"You've always had low grades and you know it."

"You know what? Was I talking to you?" I glared at Parker. "I'm trying to have a lovely conversation with Kira. Now stop butting in."


Monday evening ended and soon came Friday.

It was a pretty normal Friday evening.

Arguments happened. Food was eaten. Movies were watched. It was perfect besides the fact that Kira had come to spend time with the whole family.

It get annoying watching the Avengers whilst flirtatious giggling was being broadcasted in the background.

"Get a room!" Peter scowled from his spot on the coach.

"Agreed." The rest of us called, pausing the movie.

"It's getting pretty late. I should head out." Kira announced, looking at her phone screen momentarily.

"Yah you should." I muttered, earning snickers from Parker and Patrick and a scowl from dad.

"Well since tomorrow is Saturday, you and Athena should go to the mall." My brother suggested.

I tried to gesture to my father not to agree but he was too busy looking at Kira's overly exaggerated kilowatt smile to notice.

"Oh I think that's a great idea. It'll give you time to bond." Dad smiled kissing Kira on the cheek.

"I'll pick you up at 1." She smiled at me.

"Yeah whatever." I grumbled.


I stepped into her car and instantly cringed.

"Boy, when you're with me

I'll give you a taste

Make it like your birthday everyday..." The radio blasted as I stepped into her fancy convertible.

"Dear lord kill me now." I muttered, attempting to block out the music.

"You ready to go." She asked, her eyes covered by a pair of shades - even though there is no sun to be shaded from.

I just nodded and settled into my seat.

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