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Restless Nights, Lost Keys and Lunch Dates

••Presley Hind••

I tossed and turned. Turned and tossed. Then tossed and turned once more.

Only two things were running through my mind.

1. Damn my mattress is feeling extra lumpy and
2. Samuel Toby Oliver Peters

I've always hated my mattress so thats not new but why the hell am I thinking about Sam.

Yeah he has cute curls in his silky blonde hair and the dimples in his cheeks when he smiles - not smirk but smile. And his lips always look soft and pink and look so kissa-

Let's stop right there.

I growled into my pillow as the same thoughts kept swirling in my head, like my iPods stuck on reply..

I had spent a few hours talking with the guy - which I actually enjoyed no matter how annoying he can get - and I just randomly find him kissable?

Makes sense why guys find girls so confusing. I can't even figure myself out.

Ugh! I need to sleep!


"Why do you look like a zombie?" James asked straight up as I walked into school, with my longboard in hand.

"Well I didn't sleep very much last night." I shrugged.

This morning I woke up twenty minutes late, which means I missed my slot in the bathroom (living with 5 boys, you would think we would have more than one bathroom).

After I changed and ate an apple, I looked for my car keys. Under my bed. On the kitchen counter. On the key hook. In the fish bowl. No where. I tried convincing Peter into letting me use his car but he said he was using it and Philip had already taken his car out to drop of Parker and Patrick. Giving up all hope I moped around the house, feeling hopeless, until I realised I had a board I could ride. I rode my board to school, speeding down the streets and now I'm tired as hell.

"And why couldn't you sleep? Thinking about someone?" James smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

How'd he guess?

James knew everything. He could look at either Dave and I and know what was running through our heads. At times it's handy but most of the time it is not.

"No." I shrugged

"A boy maybe?" Dave teased.

"A blonde boy maybe?" James pressed on.

I opened my locker and half squeezed my longboard into it.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"You didn't deny it." James spoke in a sing-song voice.

"Presley has a crush. Presley has a crush." Dave sang.

"Talking about me?" A voice asked approaching us.

Just what I needed.

James smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. "No. Just this blonde haired guy that has green eyes. Almost exactly like yours."

"Oh I see." Sam winked at him.

I rolled my eyes, closing my locker. "It's too early, I'm tired and I do not need to deal with this."

"Presley what happened to your face?" Another voice asked, across from where I was standing.

A black manicured hand went to attempt to push the bags back into my skin but it didn't work.

"I didn't sleep very well last night." I shrugged at CJ.

"You need makeup. I got this new foundation and concealer that would do the-"

"No!" I shouted, placing my hands on hers. "I do not wear makeup nor will I ever any time soon. You are not putting that shit on my face."

I walked away done with them.

"See ya all at lunch." I called out, walking to Mr. Gibson's class.

"Oi Girly wait up!" Sam jogged up towards me as I walked to class.

"I see we're back to Girly then?" I joked.

"I think Girly suits you." He smirked.

"Then that gives me full right to call you Traffic Light."

"Why Traffic Light though?"

"It all links up. Just think."

"It's too early to think. Anyway do you wanna go out of school for lunch?"

"Like normal food not the slop served here?"

"Yeah. It's not a date. Just two friends grabbing a bite to eat."

"I'll go, if you pay for it."

"Yeah okay."

"Okay. Now let's face the wrath of the literature teacher from hell."

"This we shall."

Sam held his arm out, and I linked with it. We then skipped to class.

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