f o u r t e e n

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Victim, Step Siblings and War

So about me being a witness? I change that to victim.

Kira rushed to finish everything in her plate and dragged me to Sam's family.

I wanted to savour my fancy chicken shit but no, Kira had needs.

Whilst Kira sweet talked Mr and Mrs Peters into having lunch with 'our' family one day, I turned and scowled at Sam.

"Did you mess with my phone?" I greeted him.

"Well, hello to you too Presley. You know you even dress like a boy in public, apart from school. Never would-a guessed." He replied, smirking at me.

"You're lucky your sister is here or I would've slapped you."

"No, I'm fine with you slapping him. I'm his step anyway. Plus he's a jerk." Sam's sister replied.

"Step?" I questioned.

"Step siblings? My dad married his mum." She answered, rolling her eyes.

I formed an o with my mouth.

"Your girlfriend is kinda slow." She whispered to Sam.

"His- EW! I'm not his girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Sure. Anyway, I'm Alana." She extended her hand, smiling at me.

"I'm Presley." I smiled back, enveloping her hand in mine, giving her a firm hand shake.

"You shake like a guy." She replied bluntly.

"Well I'm surrounded by boys at home so I'm expected to act like a boy." I shrugged. "Now back to the matter at hand, what did you do to my phone?" I stared down Sam though he is taller than me.

"I just changed some of the ring tones and contact names. No biggie." He smirked, with his pink lips.

"If you did anything else, I will kill you in your sleep."

"You don't know where I- Oh crap. Alana, you run and I'll hold her back. If I die, I died with honor." He pushed Alana behind him, and smiled at me.

"Athena, honey. We better be going." Kira chirped. She clutched tightly onto my arm and dragged me out of the restaurant.

Once we were inside the car Kira scowled, gripping the wheel tightly.

"What the hell was with the death threats?!?" She shouted

"Who the hell gave you the right to call me Athena!?" I fired back.

"Your father does it."

"That's because he's my father. The only other person that can call me that is my mother."

"Well, I will be your mother and we can end whatever the hell you are supposed to be."

She doesn't know what she is messing with.

My family will not go down like this. I will fight for them, even if it means going to hell and back.

I declare war.

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