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Front Doors, Menstrual Cycles and Blushing Ears

••Samuel Peters••

I walked up to her front door and knocked.

After a few seconds the door swung open.

Presley appeared to the door with a blank expression, clad in a sports bra and basketball shorts that had been rolled up at the waistline.

My eyes roamed her body slowly, then back at her face, which was now sporting a deep scowl.

"Firstly; what the hell are you doing here, secondly; how did you get my address and lastly; could you fucking stop."

"Wow girly. Is someone on their period?" I smirked, looking down at her.

"Just because I'm in a pissy mood, doesn't mean I'm on my menstrual cycle." She retorted, glaring at me.

"Well are you?"

"Yes... but that's not the point."

"Then what is?"

"Just answer my damn questions." She growled.

"Well I'm here to do English, as you have forgotten, you gave me a piece of paper with your address and stop what?" I asked in confusion.

"Eye raping me. I find it uncomfortable when a guy does it."

"Wait, you lesbian?"

"Let me rephrase; I find it uncomfortable when anyone does it."

I couldn't help myself. She was super fit with cute little lady abs which I found incredibly hot on her. Her boobs weren't huge but they weren't none existent either. It's hard for a guy to not stare when she is dressed the way she is.

"Are you gonna let me in?" I asked, dropping the stupid thoughts swirling in my head.

"Yeah ok." She opened the door wider and I walked in, taking in my surroundings.

On the out side her house look really modern and sleek but inside was homey yet messy and classy at the same time.

"Follow me upstairs. If we try and work in the living room, we'd get nothing done because of my brothers." Presley, stated lead the way to the stairs. I followed closely behind her, clutching my bag straps.

We walked down the hallway until we stopped at the last door, right in the centre of wall.

She opened her door and walked in then gesturing for myself to enter.

Her room was a light yellow colour, except for one wall which was green and had photos and drawings pasted upon it.

"Make yourself comfortable and I'll go change." She grabbed some clothes, then left the room.

"GET OUT THE BATHROOM!" I heard her scream, before some rapid sorrys and the slam of a door.

She be in a really bad mood.

I sat on her king single bed and looked at her drawings and photos.

All of her drawing were cartoon. She also had a giant Disney sign in the middle.


My head snapped to the doorway to find one of Presleys brothers looking at me.

"Why are you in our house, let alone my sisters room?" He asked.

"Um.. W-w-we have a-an assignment." I stuttered out. I'm not in these kind of situations.

"YO PARKER! THERES A BOY IN PRESLEY'S ROOM!" He shouted down the hall. I winced slightly at the volume of his voice.

"A boy?" Another voice piped in.

Soon a boy, around 19/20 years old with glasses, popped his head into the doorway.


Well damn.

"Oi. Aren't you the one from the parking lot the other day." One of Presley's other brothers asked, coming into the room.

I nodded.

"I'm Parker but you can call me Park... er." He said extending his arm.

"Real smooth, idiot." A forth boy entered flicking Parker in the head.

"Well I'm Samuel, but you can call me Sam," I shrugged.

"Well I'm Peter," the eldest said, "the one with glasses is Philip, the idiot, as you have already met, is Parker and the munch is Patrick."

The other three all said "sup" in unison.

"WHATS WITH ALL THE-... Shouting?" A middle-aged man walked into the room.

Judging by the amused look on Peter's face, he must be Presleys father.

"Presley Athena Hind! You have some explaining to do!"


••Presley Hind••

After my Dad finished shouting at me, Samuel and I started our assignment.

"I don't see the point in doing this. I've got as much dramatic talent as a dead slug and I suck at literature." I looked at Samul, "Traffic light, if you want to pass this topic, just leave without me."

"Stop being dramatic, girly. We're gonna pass even if it's the last thing I do." He looked up from his book and back at me.

Right this very moment, Samuel never looked more attractive as he read his book. His eyebrows screwed together and his face was filled with concentration.

Feeling my eyes on his face, he smirked at me. I looked away and coughed.

Because of genes and extreme conditioning, I have taught myself not to blush. Instead, my ears go red and considering my ears are normally hidden behind my hair, you can't see it. Unfortunatly for me today, I had tied up my hair, so my ears were on display for everyone.

"Are your ears blushing?" Sam asked, his smirk widening. I kept my face neutral and raise both my eyebrows (considering the fact that I can't raise only one)

"My ears blushing?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Well your ears are bright red, when they normally aren't."

"Really?" I reached up to touch my flaming hot ears. I winced slightly at the temperature of them.

"Girly? If I didn't know any better I would say your embarrassed."

"Psshh. Me? Embarrassed? Never in a million years."

"Sure. Whatever you say."

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