Backstory on how it all damn started.

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in 1939, just after the great war, Germany was on pieces. 

The germans then wanted revenge for what the allies have done to their land, without arousing suspicion. they started to make german Tank divisions, or "panzer divisions", which alerted the other countries to what they are doing. the germans explained these tanks were for a "sport" known as "Tankery" or for European: "Panzerfahen". this sport was played with live ammunition, as it encouraged young men and women to be independent adults. 

the allies were impressed, and countries started to use it, the sport spread to us, UK, Russia, and most importantly. Japan.

 unfortunately, it was a dangerous sport and the countries removed the sport in no time flat. as death rates increased, the US banned it, followed by the UK, Russia, and others. after that the Germans used the weak allies to use it as an advantage. 

secretly signing a pact with Russia, invaded Poland, thus starting world war 2, after the aftermath of the war, tankery was dead, from the cold war to the Vietnam war, 

at least as the united nations remember...

 unfortunately, Japan was still using it, and made it into their culture, the un (united nations) ignored it at first until the US sent spies to check it...

 And they then saw the war the suffering of the sport, young women and men, being killed in such a brutal way, even some you can't know their faces, and worse, it happened every year, it was torture, the spy, Jeremy "shadow" Morrison, reported the sport in an instant, every country was pissed, seeing the deaths, most importantly the culture, such as nazism and communism in the sport, even some leaders fainting, the un then told japan to stop the sport.

 japan said culture was culture and they won't give it up easily, the un showed the pictures of their dead men, telling japan to stop the dangerous sport, or at least use fake shells. 

japan won't dismantle the sport, the un then told them what happened in the Battle of Mogadishu, where the leader treated its people cruelly, and the un came to the rescue to stop its leader from making its people suffer, and the same thing might happen to them since even some students are being forced into the sport without their consent.

 japan won't hand the sport over but can make a challenge. war game. the un can do a challenge to the united nations, to which they join the game, facing every tankery or sensha-do school in japan against them. 

the only rule will be to win and must be 18 below. if japan wins, the un will leave them to be, and if they lose they will dismantle the sport. the united nations then accepted its challenge and formed a group. the "BLACK DARTS" the elite soldiers from nato and un, handpicked, something like the TF-141. except for kids below 20 years old.

"file: BLACK DARTS" Elite group company, created by the UNITED NATIONS.


Man-power: 2000 men, 600 tanks, 300 vehicles (land), 100 vehicles (ships, amphibious vehicles)

LOCATION: classified

Goal: World peace.


they will be using live ammunition, the group then received volunteers from everywhere, from the streets, the collages, and even prison

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they will be using live ammunition, the group then received volunteers from everywhere, from the streets, the collages, and even prison. the date was sent, and 3 months to was a matter of time till hell breaks loose,


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