Chapter 21: New recruit.

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(Text written like this means they're talking in German.) (Bold and italic)

East of Japan Kumato. Graf zeppelin, Kuromorimine.

The sound and force of the wind became more stronger this day. It was. Well, to say the least, breeze-y. but today was no cool day. On the mountains, 2 expert special forces we know is crouching in the bushes. With camo suits. They were wearing their forest camouflage, along with a AWP. There was silence among them, as they waited for. Well. Something. these two boys are Simon and Avery, the same boys who infiltrate Pravda months ago. The boys were smoking, as usual. As they had nothing to do really. They've been there for 30 minutes. Just waiting.

"This is so boring. We've could have been in the frontlines, kicking ass, I don't know." Avery broke the silence, as he threw his cigarette out of the grassy cliff.

"Relax kid, you see, the shit we're gonna do right now. Its history. This bloody war could be ended right here! We're gonna be in history!" Simon proclaimed, but no denying, it was boring.

"Aaah! So exhausting!" Avery said as he fell himself to the grass. Simon just ignored his ranting and checked the map instead. Today, was an important mission, from the high generals themselves. He smiled to himself, after they complete this mission, his own generals promised him a great hefty reward. A promotion! As Captain. He was sure, to finish this. It was just another normal extracting mission. Nothing hard. Nothing different. Easy in, easy out.

"so-? What?" Avery said as he looked at the sky as he lay down. As he squinted his eyes, he could see 2 ME-262's on practice, they're too high to notice them. But he felt cocky to snipe one of them. But of course, he was being dumb, and utterly irrational.

"so, our targets should appear on the main stage, they we're gathering all of their troops on some speech. So they'll show the targets sitting on something. They're vice commander's doing the chatter, but our target, well she's just gonna sit down, do not aim for the vice commander, and aim on the target." Simon sternly said to his Partner.

"Yeah yeah, Major General already informed us," Avery said as he took a rock and started to throw it up in the air.

"You're a forgetful guy. You always focus on other things. Like them British girls in London." Simon said. Avery pouted at him.

"Hey-ow!" Avery started but the rock he threw hit him in the head. Simon rolled his eyes.

"see," Simon said. Avery scratched his head.

"Whatever," Avery responded. Suddenly their radio talked. Simon took his radio.

"Aight, boys, clear. Move. Move it. Remember time is key, 10 minutes be sniping on stage. Over?" A voice on the radio said.

"Copy that, fox. Out." Simon said. Avery grabbed his AWP.

"Show time," Avery said. Simon Nodded.


The boys moved to the thick jungle and started to go near a mountain. Soon they were able to reach it. A small vent hole was there. Simon became a lookout and pointed his handgun on the forest, while Avery unscrewed the vent.


They were able to unscrew the vent. Avery took it out carefully.

"Careful" Simon warned him. Avery nodded. Soon the boys put the heavy vent onto the ground.

"Good job. Let's go- in and out." Simon said. Avery and Simon climbed into the vents, it was very narrow. Our two boys cannot use flashlights for the sake of stealth. But, after a while of crawling. They could see light. And heavy sounds. The more they went closer. The louder they could hear it. Finally-

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