Chapter 5 "who are you?"

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In the Detaining room/ Custody room/ Interrogation room of Uss Europea...

In the Detaining room/ Custody room/ Interrogation room of Uss Europea

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The white-haired girl opened and closed her eyes in a fast motion, she finally wakes up . 2 hours passed after the incident.

she's blinking fast cause she's in distress. She's handcuffed in a dark room, the room had no light, The girl feels she's in a metal chair, her eyes adjusted a little to the dark. after that, she looks to the right,


she bent her neck. which made a little pain, but she's a grown teenager, so she didn't complain. anyway, as the pain moved away she sees her fellow spy also handcuffed on a chair. seems like her friend also woken up, the blonde girl with the black ribbon, looked at the left, their eyes met for a second after her own eyes adjusted to the dark, of course their body is in really complete pain, bloody pain... why do you ask? well long story...


As Oliver and John kept their handguns straight at the girls, the white-haired girl was staring at one of the boys, he had black hair, kinda handsome, he had freckles and wearing military uniforms, hie desert camo, and he looked like he was hesitant to shoot the girls...

After that showdown and 5 minutes of staring the military police went in,

they looked like this:

the military polices names are Corporal Lance Ramirez and Corporal Prince Lopez, are along with 3 other marines

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the military polices names are Corporal Lance Ramirez and Corporal Prince Lopez, are along with 3 other marines. They were going to eat outside to eat when they received the call.

Lance went in with the marines, and Lance and Prince had their Tasers, ready to shoot the intruders, while the 3 other marines had tactical batons.

before they went in, they thought of what the enemy looked like...

Big muscular gangsters?... soviet spies?.... terrorists?

but what they saw shocked and confused the 5 marines...

"Ayo, what the fuck? why are there 2 high schools...schoolgirls in here?" Lance said confused.

The two marines pouted, still had their handguns gun pointed at the girls. The white-haired girl looked annoyed, and the blonde flinched at the swear.

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