Chapter 11.2 Act 1.2 "Get glory or get gloriana'd"

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"Ugh..." A voice in the Crusader said. 

yes, someone survived the javelin attack, she was the tank commander, She is an average height girl, with pinkish-red hair and amber eyes. and she was still injured. unfortunately, she was the only one alive, as all her tank crew was, either killed with shrapnel or exploded in bits, although her driver was killed in blood loss. anyway, she tried to open the commander's hatch. it was stuck, so she looked if there were any enemy marines. once she was that the coast was clear...


She kicked the commanders hatch open. she went out of the tank, still covered with her crew's blood. she prepared her Webley if there was anyone to surprise her. she jumped off the tank and fell to the ground. she found out about her injury.

a sprain in her leg made her scream silently. she then started to control her breathing, she looked back up if any enemies were near, she then started to walk to the place she thinks is the base.

7:10 Back at the Delta and echoes.

"now that's a big target," Jeremy said as he inspected the BL 12-inch howitzers of St Gloriana. he also saw it was connected to Railway tracks meaning it was hauled in by train. probably by WD Austerity 2-8-0's. Anyway, right now they have just found 5 of the cannons. pointed east. 

"so... let's blow 'em up," Mark shrugged.

"wait...we don't have any C4s. das the last one of em' Markie" Andrew said to his sniper friend.

"aw shite," Mark said.

"Now what...?" Jeremy said as he rubbed his chin, while he and Andrew went to inspect the cannons, which was abandoned (Jeremy guessed) because of the attack.

"maybe we could...point one of the cannons to the others, and blow them higher than mary jane's weed." Breakfast suggested

"and, what about the other kanone Ja? who will sprengen sie?" Eugen asked Breakfast.

"uh. I don't bloody know? maybe we put a trail of ammunition and when the guy fires the big cannon he runs like bloody murder?" Breakfast answered

"AIGHT WHOS THE MAN FOR THE JOB?"Dave said jokingly to his fellow privates, his men chuckled. 

"one that's risky, we might lose men, second, even if it executed properly, it could attract unwanted attention, and third, that's just total bullshit," Jeremy said pointing his finger up.

"Bloody hell,"  Dave said sadly. suddenly, a task force of 5 Matildas in 1000 meters got spotted by a private. everyone had their eyes on it.

"Let's ignore it and just destroy this before they could retrieve it captain" The private said. but Jeremy had a better idea.

"load the cannons with shells! move it" Jeremy said happily as he watched the infantry tanks move slowly in his position. Jeremy got his rifle, Andrew got his pistol, and some guys manned the cannons, some scoped and prepared to snipe the glorianas.

"ALL UNITS, MARK POSITIONS! HIT THE ARMOURED VEHICLES IN 1 MIKE! WHEN THEY REACH 1200 YARDS!" Jeremy said as he inspected the tanks with his scope. he could see there was no infantry, the glorianas, stupid yet again, made a fatal mistake. 

















The cannons went live, shooting devastating rounds on the enemy tanks, the tanks tried to dodge it, but, the marines were good at predicting their moves, using advanced probability calculations calculated their movements and hit the matildas accurately.

after the matildas reached 1190 meters 2 matildas blew up from cannon fire. the remaining matildas moved steadily to their destination, the 3 infantry tanks then opened fire to the positions. the marines "borrowed cannons" was on top of a wall with metal fences around it. unluckily the glorianas wasn't known for accuracy and as usual, hit the wall instead. no British marine was injured. as they ducked at the attacks.

The marines fired another salvo at the enemy. it was an unlucky shot, as they all missed. The matildas fired back. 2 shot too high and hit the village behind the marines, but 1 finally hit the left cannon, injuring 3. 

when they hit 1000 meters, the cannons fired again, only hitting 1, but not destroying it but disabling it. the matildas crew escaped the tank and ran away.

"GOOD SHOT, 2 MORE BABY!" Jeremy screamed happily once he zoomed in with his binoculars. 

The 2 matildas then split up, but this just made it a bit hard for the marines, since in more shells shooting the same position, they had more chances of getting a kill. 


"Yeah yeah," Dave said as he turned the British artillery to the left. 

"FIRE" Jeremy screamed. the Cannons went live. one of the matildas exploded from the two cannons, the other got hit, but it didn't explode. but the matilda then stopped, then the crew immediately evacuated it, they were all using Lee-fields, except the commander, who was using a Webley. they then ran towards the boys. they spread as they did so. the expert snipers sniped the 3 women crews, but the commander threw a brick-like object at the boys before getting headshots by Jeremy. but the weird object landed in one of the cannons.

"GET DOWN GRENADE" Jeremy screamed. they all ducked down. then they waited for 5 seconds. nothing happened. Jeremy looked at the mysterious object. after that, he started to walk towards it.

"SIR...I don't recommend getting near it." Andrew said to him.

"relax andy...I know what I'm doing" Jeremy reassured him. he took a closer look. it was black, the size of a mouse, and it was blinking green. he looked at it for a while till he finally realized what it was. He immediately got his pistol and shot it.

"WAIT WHAT?" Andrew asked his Capt.

"ITS A ITS A," Jeremy said.

"It's a what?" Andrew asked him.

"ITS A TRACKER!" Jeremy screamed out loud.

"SHIT GET DOWN!" Jeremy screamed as 2 Supermarine spitfires unleashed fire bullet spitting hell on their positions. The boys went for the nearest cover. 1 Marine got an injury on his leg. the boys started to run. But Andrew suddenly got lost...

(sorry for the late update...I had surgery so I was a little late.)

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