Chapter 18: The Girl they call Shepard.

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"yeah we eat vegemite in our country mate"

"Nice, so what does it taste?"

"to be honest I can't really explain"

"do you guys also box Kangaroos?"

"Nah they're too powerful like hell, sons of guns"

The 3 Girls chuckle.

Right now our very well famed Challenger 2's and M1a2 Commanders, Tom, Oliver, John, Garret And Jacob are talking with 3 Pershing Commanders, Azumi, Megumi and Rumi, whom has just been captured by the Un Forces. the boys then took a break on the village they were settling on as they awaited orders. Chinook's and Blackhawks then Landed on the village, giving out supplies and food, Trucks and AFVs, IFV's and Humvees provided Ammunition and Defense, towing Artillery or Anti Air Defense. Now Operation Godeater Just ended, which became successful, the Un Managed to control the Beachhead. the boys are on top of Tom's M1a2, eating his Vegemite Australian made sandwich, while the rest of the most elite Un Tank Commanders just Flirted and Joked around the All-stars Girls, before they're transported, to their Prison.

"Yeah, This Aussie probably boxes Kangaroos, just look how buffed this guy is,"  Oliver said as he tried to lift Tom's combat shirt, to show his Abs, which resulted in Tom punching Oliver on the shoulder. The Girls giggle at this. Tom became red as he tried to make a straight face.

"He's Just jealous that he isn't ripped like me," Tom said. Suddenly John's Pitched in.

"oh, All right boys, time's up. Let's go, 12:00." John said as he drank the last of his Cola. The Boys nodded and the Girls headed to an MRAP. Oliver winked at the Girls and nudged Tom, which giggled at him. The girls were then Transported to "Happy" Prison. The Boys hopped into their Tanks.

Tom, An Australian had an Australian M1a2 Abrams, so did John and Garret.

Oliver and Jacob are different since they have British blood, they obviously had The Challenger 2, But since Oliver was the British Main Tank Commander, Oliver used the Challenger 2 "Black Night".

"Alright, boys back to business," John said on the Radio.

Operation: Flaming Armoured Spear

Use Armoured Vehicles to Destroy remaining St.Gloriana Armour. And Finish the Last remains of St Gloriana.

"So Back to the Fake Brits?" Garret asked as His M1a2's 120mm M256 Smooth Bore Cannon searched for any Preys to destroy.

Jacob coughed.

"The imbeciles and the disappointment to the queen," Jacob said on top of his cupola as his FV4034 cruised on the grassy fields.

"Yeah yeah yeah, why did the Un send 5 Tanks to counter the tons of Gloriana Armour though?" Oliver said, also on top of his Cupola.

"Cause, we da best! AMERICA!" John said. Jacob and Tom and Oliver coughed.

"Stfu you Colonials," Oliver said quietly as his Fv4034 and the Tank battalion started to turn left. John looked at him.

"Huh?" John said with a raised eyebrow.

"Nut-hin," Oliver said smiling. The Americans just Shrugged it off.

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