Chapter 11 Act I"Reign of Terror"

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5 am. the time has come.

It was still dark, but whirring engines can be heard. birds chirped and the normal audio of the pacific is still there.



 Day 1 

South of Skira Island

Capt, Jeremy Morrison,

First Lt. Mark Brown

First Lt. Andrew Jones.

British SAS And American Special Forces. Liberty Divison

Briefing: Clear out villages and Important structures to make a Foundation for the Team Titan Armored division.

The helicopter blades of  2 Uh-1y and 1 CH-47 started to whirr up. there were 20 Us and British marines who joined. with only 5 other nationalities. There was Eugen who was half German and the other Belgian, likewise, his friend Marcus, who was half British and half German. The others were Dave and Alvin, with Morty and Richard, all PFC's, separated into 10 riflemen from the twenty. The first 10 Pfc's were called "deltas" which the battalion I lead, the second was "echos" which My friend Mark and Andrew Lead. The only rank higher than them is me and my two friends. Everyone was wearing U.S marines woodland camouflage. 

 Right now the mission was simple. it was this easy, we cannot possibly mess this up...right? 

Anyhow this was our first taste of combat...well combat in the war, we're the Spearhead, the foundation for the War, what we will do and act in this Mission.

"so? You done cap?" Mark asked me as he held his M200 intervention and looked through his scope.

"maybe," I checked my M4's ammunition and suppressor.

"aight. the Venoms and the chinooks going out! I'm going to the Chinook, 'll wait for you there," He said before he opened the Venom's doors. I walked to the edge of the helipad of our ship and stepped into the frictape net as I got my binoculars.

"hmm...those are some impressive AAA's," I said as I looked into the enemy beach and saw 3 QF 3.7.'s it had the symbols of the shield and the tea, the same thing lance and prince told me. so I knew these aaa's were from that fake British school "St Gloriana". 

"Fake brits...they'll never be like us, daughters of cunts." I said as I took my binoculars and put them back into my pouch while I walked back to my Heli which the two propellers was already on half throttle.  I looked at Andrew who was Running his Hands to his hair.

"Andrew you look like hammered shit!" I laughed at him.

"Looks don't count for shit in the jungle. This is 'Nam, baby!" He responded. as we all chuckled inside the Chinook. There were 10 marines on the chinook while 5 on each Venom.

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