Chapter 20 A Familiar Face.

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An hour ago

"So now this 217 is proven to be here right," Jonathan said as he rubbed his chin.

"Based on these documents yes," Lance said.

"and this...whoever he is, might be the key to end the war?" Jonathan asked.

"...probably," Lance said.

"So, grid, X7 Y2 9 bravo?" Jonathan asked. Suddenly a soft but calm voice pipped in.

"I know that. that's in the Pravda's secret prison facility! I've been there! I can tell you about it!" She said. The Lieutenants looked at her. Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

"Pravda hmm? Well, this, might or might not be easy." Jonathan said.

"Yes, but I warn you, Pravda has just been supplied by Japanese weapons so watch out." She quickly added. The Lt's narrowed their eyes at her.

"How do we trust you? The last time John and Oliver trusted a voice, they just got killed." Lance said strictly.

"I can help you! I and My family Started this war...I want to help, to pay back the things I did! Trust me I will not betray you!" She pleaded. Jonathan looked at her and nodded. Lance Laughed.

"No. are you an idiot? How can we trust you? You're the girls who torture us and stuff, killed our men and you and your friends just cut us up with your guns, so tell me miss. How can we trust you?" Lance said with a very dark aura. She gulped.

"Listen, if we didn't do it, we would be killed and tortured. If we didn't fight you, my girls would have died, from the JSDF." She said sadly. Lance squinted at her.

"LIAR! YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO TRICK US!" Lance screamed as he slammed his fist into the metal table.

"PLEASE! LET ME HELP YOU. IM- about this? I'm going to help you in this mission. Just let me fight alongside you." She said with a very apologizing tone.


"SILENCE COMMANDO. You're acting like a little child. Besides, she can help us, since she knows where the place is. And besides, you know how to navigate it do you?" Lance asked her.

"yes. Yes, I do. I can tell you where it is, I'm familiar with it. you've already trusted me this far- so please." She said. Lance looked at her as his eyes twitched.

"*sigh* ill give you a chance to fight alongside my Marines. With the top dog USMC." Jonathan said. Lance gasped.

"SIR? AHEM? SHE? YOU'VE GONE INSANE!" Lance said sternly to his superior. But Jonathan ignored him.

"But remember miss. if you hurt or betray my men. I will make sure to capture you and kill you in a slow and painful death. Understood?" Jonathan said. She nodded.

"Thank you. Thank you very much. This means a lot to me." She bowed. Jonathan nodded back. Lance scoffed. The loudest he could ever make. She smiled at the boys.

"I will not fail you." She said. Jonathan nodded. Lance crossed his arms.

"well then. Prove your worth and your trust...

Miss Shimada." Jonathan said in his composed tone.


An Uh-60 Blackhawk moved low to the water. It was escorted by an Mh-6 Littlebird. Fitted with Miniguns and Hellfire missiles. There were 6 people inside, not counting the two pilots. One was Lance, with his MK-17, he was wearing his usual grey Beanie, his black and grey combat uniform, and some C4 Demolition bombs. There were 4 other Marines with the same outfit as him, with the same weapon. But the Sixth one was different. She. Yes she, was wearing the same combat uniform. With the same gun. And the same utilities. But she was wearing a grey cap. She looked a bit sleepy and was bored at the same time. It was quite quiet on their way to their target. And she started to drift off.

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