Chapter 12.5 Secure

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12:51An Mh-53 Pavelow flew by a Japanese beachhead in the lower part of skira island. 5 men are aboard. It seemed to fly low, hence the name. beside it was an Uh-60 Blackhawk. after a minute of flying, the Blackhawk Landed but the Pave low just kept on encircling it. The Blackhawks doors opened and 5 people went out. These men were carrying a mechanical device. they went to a high but forest tree-covered part of the mountain. and they assembled their device.

--Back at operation stealth eagle--"WE DID IT COZ WE'RE BEST FRIENDS!" Prince said to Lance."yeah yeah, you noisy fucker. let's go." Lance said as the boys advanced further to the forest. Lance then grabbed back his old M27 and threw the double pistols he had. After that, Buck blew up another Sherman with its crew in flames and burned to ashes as its ammo cooked off. Lance and prince then his behind some big rocks joined by another Private."You corporals got a Plan?" Said the private as he tried to ignore the M2 brownings bouncing shells against the rock."I have one, but it's risky," Lance said.

"That's what she- anyway what is it?" The private asked as he threw a Grenade at some saunders troops."Well, First we need permission to buck if we can," Lance said as he and the prince aimed their M27's at the saunders troops."OI OI OI OI OI BUCK" Prince screamed at His superior. Buck stopped for a moment and squinted his eyes on Prince, He then arrived with his M27." mate, its lieutenant, two, what is it?" Buck said as he narrowed his eyes at the 18-year-old Corporal."SO UH LANCE WANTS TO ASK SOMETHING!!!" Prince said as he tried to scream at Buck because of the ear-deafening exchanges of gunfires."Well, what is it, boy?" Buck said as he looked at his older combat buddy."We can get some Marines and flank the enemy at their side, plus the forest is thick, and it's pretty dark sir," Lance said to him. Buck thought for a moment, not looking back at the fact that a bazooka rocket just buzzed by him."fine. I and these maggots are gon protect the line with full defence. you better be back at an estimate of 5 minutes. we better be hearing gunshots later. Copy?" Buck said as he returned fire to the saunders troops."solid." lance said as buck called for 5 troops to be with Lance, which 3 of which have LMG's "I WANT A SUPPRESSING FIRE TO COVER LANCE DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Buck screamed at the radio as The marines nodded for confirmation.



"1..." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Buck let out a war scream as each marine fired their weapons at the same time against the saunders troops. which Lance and Prince and 5 others bolted out into the forest."I hope those sons of bitches know what they're doing," Buck said as he reloaded his Assualt rifle.

---Saunders Pov---"BALL SUCKING 3 HEADED FUCK FACE!" a saunders girl named Zee said as she reloaded her M1 Garrand. Her friend's body parts just flew at her with blood covering her Uniform because of a grenade explosion."Ugh, it's like fighting that fucking Kuros but like ten times worse." Another girl named Sammy whos holding an M2 Browning and firing at the Flash of the Marines guns."Yeah and-*BANG*" A saunders girl was going to say something till her head was blown off by a 50 Cal."Uhh..." Sammy said."Don't be a snowflake darling, once we win the war we can torture them," Zee said."Oh fuck you calling me a snowfl-" Sammy said when a grenade landed before her. but she was able to grab it and threw it on the boys."Fuck life," Zee said as she lowered her m1 Garrand.---back at lance---With the thick forest, the 7 boys moved slowly flanked the girls. with very silent stealth they moved through the forest. Soon they were able to see the girls more clearly. the boys prepared their Guns."3..." Lance started."2..." The marines nodded."1..."*BANG BANG BANG BANG* Brrrrrt*The boys fired rapidly at the Girls cutting them down fast and with surprise. but the girls then prepped their bayonets and-"CHAAAARRRRRGGGGEEEEEE" "BANZAI BANZAI BANZAI!" the girls said in Japanese. The girls then did a Banzai charge at the Marines."shite," Lance said as the boys tried to act fast in defending their positions. but they were close enough so they were able to almost immediately reached them so he straightened his Gun and-*click* "shite. nothing" Lance said. Lance then saw that his M27's gun mag was empty, but instead of reloading, he threw his M27 away (again). And got his Glock and his combat knife. He then said a war scream as he shot a girl in her face with his secondary weapon. and jumped at another with his knife. then he headed to another with his knife and stabbed her with his knife at her head, then shot another one with his gun."WOOOAAAAAH BIG BRO YOU'RE SO COOL! You're like those commandos on the movies!" Prince said as he shot another girl with his M27" I know," Lance said as he reloaded his gun with one hand only." ALL UNITS MOVE" lance screamed with all of the marines nodded. The boys then moved but suddenly.*BANG* A large explosion appeared before them as they saw the saunders girls dead body flew up in the air. The boys at first were confused before a F/a 18 flew above them at supersonic speeds."Falcon 3 Reporting. AGM successfully hit the designated Target over." The Pilot said."Uh sorry, there corp...forgot to tell you I ordered an Airstrike," Buck said to his radio sarcastically."Yeah yeah asshole," Lance said back.

---Saunders Girls Pov---"WHAT THE KENTUCKY FIRED FUCK WAS THAT?" Naomi screamed at one of her Lt's as she looked out of her Springfield sniper." airstrike?" The saunders troop replied."HOW the HELL did KAY not notice that and didn't send a fuckin plane to shoot it down?" She said as she tried to focus her anger on her sniper and shoot the left marines instead."Cause uh...the radar didn't detect it?" The saunders troop answered back."FFF-F-F-F-FU.....*sigh* FINE just send a Sherman force to make our job easier," Naomi said." but kay already gave you 3 Shermans and she said that's it..." The girl replied."Well, where is it?" Naomi said."uhh...Blown to who knows what the hell?" The girl said"FUC-"

---1:11 no one pov---The Boys were now pushing the hell out of the girls at a fast pace. The boys were all cutting the girls very quickly. The marines were decent snipers so they were able to shoot the girls very quickly. Naomi looked at her girls were just dead meat, with the smell of corpses, still with the smell of a fired bullet and the sounds of getting slaughtered. Kay suddenly called her."NAOMI! hows the trap did it work." Kay asked on the radio." if you see it that way," Naomi said to Kay"What the fuck do you mean? how many troops are left?" Kay said."uhh...11?" Naomi said."WHAT? NO! RETREAT NOW!" Kay said."NO NO GEN! WE CAN WIN THIS JUST GIVE US-" Naomi said to her"NO NO, SHUT IT! RETREAT KNOW! I SENT YOU 50 GIRLS AND AND...HOW THE?" kay said."BUT," Naomi said when Zee approached her."MA'AM, WHAT ARE YOUR ORDERS THERE ARE ONLY 8 GIRLS LEFT?" Zee said. Naomi looked at her than her surroundings. she saw that the boys were getting nearer, The sounds of gunfire getting closer. and the fear of getting captured. she then sighed."GET THEM ALL AT THE WILLYS WE ARE GETTING OUTTA HERE!" Naomi Screamed. Zee nodded. The 9 girls then threw smoke grenades as they retreated safely into the smoke."You may have won the battle...but not the war..." Naomi scoffed as The 2 Willy jeeps disappeared. The boys watched as they retreated. they had won..." uh, what it's 1:59 am?" Prince said."well, guess we should sleep. Let's tent In the forest." The boys then scream in happiness. as they won the Battle. in 2 hours. Lance approached Buck."Huh, No losses," Buck said as he counted his men one by one."Well, well well, then let's get a cig and call it a day hey?" Lance said.

"hell yeah," Buck replied as he saw his men sighing and hold their knees in tiredness instead of celebrating. it was clear they just wanted to sleep a bit.

(a/n nope I'm not dead. sorry for the late upload)

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