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3 months ago-

----Line has been successfully connected----

Uh hello? Hello Hello? Anyone?


IF anyone can hear me, I repeat, it is confirmed. We have been captured. At 11:00 pm The JSDF Marched in our base and had us captured. My battalion, a couple of 400 marines, is in enemy hands. This might be my last message, they will find me soon, actually, yes. this will be my last message, all of my communication and my men's communication will go down so the enemy won't be able to break and spy on our lines. and-

*Japanese mumbling starts getting nearer, with the sound of gunfire*

Shit...listen, to the people fighting there.

hear me out, do not worry, do not panic. Rest assured, everything is alright. The UN will be back. The war and my men are not yet lost. Hope is not yet gone. 

 God bless America, long live Britain. 

American national anthem plays*

---Connection to the Line is lost---

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