Chapter 22 beauty is in the eye of the Bee holder.

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Dessert wind started to blow on the riverbank. Behold on the end of the bank, is Mark, who is slowly gaining consciousness on the sharp and steep fall. he started to push himself up, and on his sight, a crashed Stallion. blazing with Fire. he started to move forward, limping along the way. he looked at his body, it was full of bruises and blood. he checks for his weapon, which he didn't have.  he didn't have any guns on him, except for a tactical knife. "good enough" he mutters.

he started to limp, to the stallion. where he spots two Gloriana Pilots. who died from blood loss. he felt that he might Die himself. he thought of the friends he made along the way. his family, his comrades. he thought that he will soon perish, to return to ash, as the bible says. until something caught his glimpse.

A silhouette of a Girl, clutching her stomach, appeared out of the thick Fire. coughing and vomiting. she looked straight at Mark. and when she did she spitted at the ground and started to trot away. when Mark saw her, he immediately forgot everything he was thinking. and remembered his Mission. Why would he think of such childish thoughts? He was a soldier. with this in mind, he started to run and follow the mysterious female, holding back the Pain.

The More he followed him, the thicker the wind got, the thicker the fog swallowed. but both parties are injured, and just like that, Mark caught sight of the Gloriana, leaning on a burning part of the Helicopter. with a grunt, Mark started to approach her. clutching his knife. the more he went closer the more he could make out what she looked like. a girl of medium height, with brown eyes and long brown hair tied in a braid over her left shoulder. she coughed one more time and stared directly at the wounded Marine.

"You utter fools. you disgust me, interfering with OUR culture, thinking some kind of hero you are. you make me sick." She said with a grin.

"and what? Do you think that killing your own countrymen is culture? why don't you look at the sport you have. a bloodbath. nothing but a murder game? for what? a trophy? you're nothing but a psycho. who enjoys a life's breath to expire." Mark replied. coughing blood violently.

"Heh, this sport was started by the UN, may I remind you, Pravda was created by the threat of Imperialism on our country, we saw that the US was our enemy, we could never have let it in, with open arms, if your country didn't burn down two fucking cities, in that response too, you sent the CIA to create an anti-communist regime on Japan, hence Saunders and ST Gloriana were born. that's right bitch. you Yanks started this mess." She said while she struggled to stand.

"and Kuromorimine, the first senshadou school? give me a campfire story about it," Mark said holding his Kinfe more tightly.

The Girl gave a killer glare to the boy, she snared her teeth at him. she looked at him with devilish eyes.

"That's right dipshit. now let's just end this." Mark said with a smile. soon The young and revengeful marine started to close the gap, and get nearer to her. with his knife in his hand, he was ready to kill this girl, on which on his mind killed many of his good mates. this was none other, than Darjeeling herself. at least he presumed he was Darjeeling. but as he prepared to strike her with his knife. she grabbed his arm, and then his head, and banged it on the burning part of the crashed helicopter. unexpected and wounded, Mark fell to the ground, But this girl was smart. and took his knife in his own hand. she looked at him with a smile from a beautiful monster. and with a blink of an eye-


She stabbed it, right at his chest. Mark felt dizzy and in great pain. he could feel the steel in his lungs, he couldn't breathe properly. she then knelt and looked at the boy's eyes.

"in the 1920s Japan needed to revolutionize its country. it was falling short on science, lagging down on the other nations. until a saviour appeared on the horizon. Germany promised to help them, with the advancements in warfare. so our country could conquer other nations, to prove that our country was a true, a dragon, not a worm. Kuromorimine was born, to help us, in order to proceed to train us, on their new ways of warfare, without them, we could have probably never made it this far." She said in a grim tone, as she took her Webley and pointed at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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