Chapter: 19 new-found knowledge.

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4:00 PM Flashback:

Lance was sitting in his chair in the hospital, in front of him is Prince, who is in a medical bed, with and heart rate monitor, and oxygen tanks connected to his nose, he was in a critical state. Beside him was Colonel Jonathan, who's visiting his fallen men.

"This is my fault." Lance softly said to himself.

"Don't blame yourself kiddo, it was those Pravda bad guys. Don't hit yourself on it that way." Jonathan said as he patted his back. Lance slowly nodded.

There was a moment of silence for the two. The only sound was the chatting of the patients in the bed. And some soldiers.

"so why did you wanna call me again?" Jonathan asked. Lance looked at him.

"I wanna pay back his death. Like you promised me earlier" Lance said sternly to his superior. Jonathan laughed.

"alrighty? So you want to go to some base and interrupt their sleep with some bombs?" Jonathan said.

"no...that's rookie stuff, I want a challenge, yet revengeful," Lance replied, Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

"Then what?" Jonathan asked.

"Based on the M16, somewhere in northern Japan, there is a secret intel which could change the tide of war, a boy, whom probably knows how to end it. He must be important because he is kept in a highly defended facility, on which we do not know the location of the said facility, there is also another intel where there is a mole at Pravda...a Russian spy, she cannot escape because she might get shot or killed, if we can find who she is and we rescue her, we may be able to get some birds-eye view of the Intelligence on the enemy." Lance said strictly to him. Jonathan looked at him wide-eyed.

"How in god's green earth did you know that? That's classified knowledge, only private eyes could see that in the M16, that could lead you to big ass trouble for disobeying orders, that could get you suspended! Do you know what you have done? How the hell do you know that anyway?" Jonathan said as he stood in front of him.

"oh, a little blue bird told me," Lance said as he looked at him with a vengeful glare. Jonathan went back to his composed state.

"*sigh* well now what?" Jonathan replied.

"I'm going to go through it and grab the intel," Lance said. Jonathan looked at the window.

"No," Jonathan said.

"you said you'd owe me as long as it helps us through the war," Lance said to him sternly. Jonathan stuttered for a few seconds.

"I thought you'd only bust a couple of tanks or kill a couple of girls with a UZI or something since you're promoted to commando? That's off-limits and it's hard as hell." Jonathan replied.

"Fine... let's make a deal, make my status 'rouge' and tell to the high command that I disobeyed direct orders, which in case you didn't know about," Lance said in the most serious tone he could say. Jonathan looked at him in disgust.

"I- i- i- I can't," Jonathan said.

"then I would do it myself," Lance said. Jonathan shook his head slowly. Lance looked at him, then he started to walk to the exit. Suddenly he felt a tight grasp on his shoulder.

"Fine, I would send you two same ranked commandos as you, but if you don't come back in 0600 hours, im marking you and they as KIA...And ill...uh...kind of you coz' you might just die and waste time..." Jonathan said with a angered and worried expression.

"Thank you, sir..." Lance said.

"God bless you kiddo," Jonathan said in a friendly manner. Lance nodded.

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