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When I close my eyes, I see you
You're calling out to me like it's yesterday
Is it all a dream?
I'm afraid everything will disappear

Don't say goodbye
Even in my dreams
Let's never be apart
If it's destiny, hold my hand
Stay with me so sad nights won't come
If you're the one I've been waiting for
With you

Your voice is calling out to me from somewhere
I'm afraid you'll disappear like an illusion
So even though I know it'll hurt
I'm being pulled to you anyway

Don't say goodbye
Even in my dreams
Let's never be apart
If it's destiny, hold my hand
Stay with me so sad nights won't come
If you're the one I've been waiting for
With you

Don't you know how many days, how long I've been waiting for you?
Look at me, feel me, my destiny is you

- Say Goodbye by Song Haye


"What happened?"

As soon as I spotted Taehyung and Yumi in the hospital hallway, I asked.

"She fainted and fell down the stairs."

"Wh- What?!! How is she now? Did she hurt bad?"

Panicked I bombarded Taehyung with questions.

"She'll be fine. Even Min Jun hyung went to check on her."

Taking a deep breath I waited till someone come out of her room and tell us that she's fine.

The two minutes that took Min Jun to step out of the room felt like an hour.

"Hyung, how's Jieun?"

As soon as I saw him approaching, I asked.

With his lips stretched into a thin line Min Jun stared at me with a poker face for a few seconds before glancing at Taehyung and Yumi who were standing beside me.


Taehyung called out for Min Jun's attention.

"Oppa, Jieun's fine right?"

Yumi's voice was laced in worry and concern over her friend.

"Jimin, come to my office. There's something I need to talk with you."

Leaving me dumbfounded Min Jun started to walk towards his room. With my mouth slightly agape my eyes travelled all around the place trying to come up with reasons as to why Min Jun wants to meet me.

"What was that? Jieun will be fine, right Tae?"



"Hyung, you wanted me...?"

"Yes Jimin. Come have a seat."

Min Jun gestured his hand towards a chair in front of him.

It would be a total lie if I say that I ain't nervous at the moment. I can feel sweat droplets making their way on me palms.

"I don't know if she ever wanted the things to happen this way but... it's high time you should know."

"Know what?"

With each and every choose of his words my heart started to race more and more.

"Jieun... she's suffering from Leukemia."

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