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You've suffered great injustice
So have thousands before you
I offer an apology, and one long over due

I am sorry, toro, I am sorry
Hear my song, I know I sing the truth
Although we were bred to fight
I reach for kindness in your heart tonight, and if you can forgive

And if you can forgive, love can truly live
And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live

- The Apology Song by Diego Luna and Gustavo Santaolalla


"I'm pregnant."

As soon as those words left Nara's mouth my head jerked in that way in a flash.

"Wh- what?"

"I'm three weeks pregnant Daniel."

She said dead serious.

" why are you telling me that?"

"Because you are the father."

I looked at her with my mouth hanging open, processing what she said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You are working in a fucking club with a fake identity and now you are saying that I'm responsible for your situation! I can't be the only person who screwed you. And on top of it aren't you supposed to be on pills?!!"

I started to say whatever that came to my mind in my defence.

"Whether you like it or not, that's the truth. You are the last one I slept with and according to the time frame you are responsible for my situation as you say. Also you must know that pills and condoms are not 100% protective."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing at the moment. My eyes were roaming all over the place but they never met Nara's.

"What have I done? OMG! What am I supposed to do now?"

"Abort it."


"Abort it. You- you said it's still three weeks old so we can get rid of it."

I explained myself.

"Are you telling me to kill a life? No way I'm gonna do that Daniel. I might me a bitch but I ain't as cruel as to kill an innocent being."

"What are you telling me then?! You come to me and say that you are pregnant and when I give a solution you don't like it!!"

Frustrated over the situation I started to talk with my voice raised. Practically, I was yelling at Nara.

"... What do you want me to do then? To marry you? To take you in?!!"


"Wait, what?!!"

I had to take a double take in her answer. Hearing her bold answer I couldn't help but to scoff in her way.

"You have some nerves, Huh?!"

"I wasn't kidding Daniel. Take me in. Take responsibility for your actions. Let me be a part of your life."

"Are you... Are you really crazy? I already have a girlfriend. I don't need you and I don't like you."

Giving weight to one of her legs Nara crossed her arms and looked straight into my eyes.

"Girlfriend? Hmm. If you really cared about her why did you sleep with me?"

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