.45 ACP

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Lights flickered...

Smoke clouded your vision.

Sirens blared.

A muffled voice was yelling at you to move.


Pools of blood surrounded you, the stench of rotting corpses flooded your senses.

You strained to hear what the voice was saying.


You must hear him, listen.


Their voice hit you like a thunderclap, you struggled to get up glancing behind you.

You saw the vague image of a tankman raising his gun to shoot you.

"Y/N GET UP!-"


"Y/N! Geez your a heavy sleeper get up!" You jolted awake at the voice and put the mystery person in a headlock. Your vision cleared as you realized it was Steve, you released him mumbling a small "sorry."

"No worries!" He laughed, you could tell he was a little offset from your sudden restraint. But it was his fault for waking you up during a dream. If you had your gun then he would've been a bleeding mess on the floor.

"Anyway.." Steve sat on the edge of the cot. "I wanted to wake you up early before my next watch, so we could eat breakfast together." That explained it. No wonder he came to wake you up instead of one of the nurses, he actually cared. You nodded and got down from the cot, you we're only wearing a hospital gown and you weren't sure where your armor went.

"Are you uh- going to change?"



You turned to face him with a bored expression. "I'd rather eat before anything, if people look they look." You replied, he snickered slightly. "Alright suit yourself, I'll save you a seat." With that he waved and exited the medical tent, you we're the only person there since everyone had gone to patrol or eat. 

You sighed and walked out pushing the curtain aside, of course you got some looks but you didn't care. Food was important so screw a couple of perverts who want to catch a peek.

When you stepped inside the "bar" almost everyone turned to look at you, some of them whispered things... Mostly how you we're only wearing a hospital gown, but it wasn't your fault that you couldn't find your regular armor. You saw Steve sitting at the counter with a few others. There was an open seat next to him so you casually walked towards it and sat down.

"I seem to recall you saying... If people look they look. How's that working for you?" Steve snickered as you lightly punched him on his arm. There was already a plate of pancakes waiting for you, they we're warm but not fresh off the pan warm. You took a bite into one of them.

You just sat there silently for a second. Steve glanced over at you mildly concerned.

"Y/N? Are you ok-" He stopped mid-sentence witnessing you wolf down the pancakes on your plate. They didn't stand a chance, they we're gone in the blink of an eye. "Yeah, why?" You brushed a few crumbs off from your lips, Steve just laughed.

For the remainder of the time you talked and joked with a few of the other tankmen, and in the process getting to know Sniper otherwise known as Ted. He seemed like a nice guy, only he cursed every chance he could get. Other than that he was fine.

You we're currently on the subject of gun types with him, he was recommending a few for long distance shooting (one being the 300 Winchester Magnum). That was around the time he had asked you a question.

"Hey Y/N, can you fucking shoot?" 

"Maybe, why?"

"I wanna fucking try something, c'mon you little shit."

He got up from the bar stool and walked out from the bar. You followed after him, he had taken you to the training grounds which weren't set up in the usual professional manner you we're used too. The dummy's we're actual corpses propped up, and the "targets" we're simply bottles.

"You want me to shoot the bottles?" You asked getting no response from him, he simply handed you a pistol and gestured to the bottles. You didn't need any other guidance, you we're used to handgun's and pistols after all they we're what all rookies trained with until getting their own personalized firearm. 

You placed your finger on the trigger and pressed down on it firing at the first bottle, it shattered leaving shards all over the ground. You walked to the next one casually picking up the pace shooting each and every one without stopping, the last two bottles you shot from you're place at the 5th. 

"How was that?" You glanced back at Ted who smiled slightly. "Not bad shithead." You felt proud even though it wasn't much of an accomplishment, but in the corner of your vision you saw the Captain standing there. 

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now