Timber Hitch

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You we're half asleep when Tim came in, you weren't sure if it was the next day yet. It most definitely didn't feel like a day had passed but who could tell, the entire room was a dreary shade of grey. No windows had been installed, and the only useful thing was the vent that let in air condition.

Tim sat down in the same place as last time, you mumbled a small "good morning" and he did the same. "The last time we talked, you mentioned Ste-" "I'm tired Tim, but I'm not that tired." He chuckled at your sudden retort.

"Your going to have to give it up soon." He said, you yawned still attempting to shake off the sleepiness that was plaguing you. "True, but you could get a lot more if you'd hear a different side of the story." 

"As interesting as that sounds that's not what we're looking for." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "You don't know that yet." You replied, Tim drummed his fingers on the table. You we're getting slightly impatient with him, which was understandable considering you we're going to be trapped here for the next five days or so.

"Alright fine, what exactly is this thing?" His attention was now completely focused on you, making you slightly nervous. It wasn't fun to have someone observe you that closely but you'd just have to deal with it. "This thing Tim is the organization I came from." 

"Haven't heard of it." He said crossing his arms. "Your in the middle of a war, and no messenger has come here in years. Of course you haven't heard of it." You chuckled slightly, the messenger part wasn't fully true. Messenger's did come through every now and then but no information of your "team" had ever come through.

"Alright well what does this organization want exactly?" You paused thinking of a reasonable answer, in reality it was only a few seconds but it felt like a couple of minutes at most. "They simply want more allies." You smiled slightly, Tim only raised an eyebrow at you from under his visor.

"That's it? Why didn't they just recruit the Tankmen then?" Tim asked with a streak of doubtfulness in his voice, "In truth, they thought that it would be better for me to infiltrate the Tankmen and recruit the Henchmen in order to put you at an advantage. They're more stubborn and in need of guidance... If you catch my drift." 

Tim opened his mouth to speak but closed it at the last second, he seemed surprised with your response. "I see..." He remained quiet for a while processing what you'd told him. Hopefully he'd take the bait and actually bite the line.

"I just have on question." You looked at him inquiringly. "You keep referring to them as an organization, but do they have a name?" You nodded, they did have a name of course but you'd just been holding off. It wasn't out of distrust but out of habit, you always referred to them as something better than what they we're. 

"It's HAZARD."

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now