Platinum Barrier

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Let's just say that your courageous plan did not go smoothly. Buddy had the upper hand in every way, from terms of weapons, maneuverability, strength, and just being himself. Besides the wound in his shoulder you knew if you stayed any longer you'd be captured and most likely killed for betrayal. Or worse, the murder of the ones you loved.

Steve was stirring from his previous knock out, but you couldn't depend on him to save you. Even so, you knew you had to stall. If Buddy got bored then he'd just kill both of you, so you had to spark his interest. Shaking, you struck up a conversation with him as he was about to approach you.

"I thought we we're friends." Just as you hoped, he stopped in his tracks. "Do not start that bullshit with me Y/N." He replied quietly, you stood your ground every so often having to catch your self because of previous damage. "You told me that friends don't hurt each other-"

"I never said that." He crossed his arms and met your gaze, seemingly growing impatient with this conversation. "I said that partners don't ignore one another, and ever since you got tangled up in that stupid base you've been doing just that." "I never ignored you! Not once, I tried to talk to you, but you kept pushing me away-"

"And now you know why. Because of them." He gestured to Steve who was still lightly stirring from his lost battle. "As far as I can tell they're the reason we're against each other, why everything seems to be going wrong so theoretically speaking if I get rid of them... Then everything will be perfect again."

You couldn't believe this, did he truly believe that riding the world of the ones you cared for would make everything better? Of course, he did, because that was what he was trained to do. Get rid of the problem and preserve the main goal, in this situation he could only see the Tankmen as an obstacle and you as a prize. It almost made you sick thinking about it.

"But then you had to go and screw it up." You took a step back, but faltered, realizing Steve was still within his perimeter. "So now, I have to get rid of you too. Then everything will be perfect again." He put his hand behind his back reaching for his spare gun, there we're a million things you could do right now, but you decided to go for your friend.

Just as the gun fired you ducked and rolled, attempting to put Steve's arm around your shoulder and help him walk towards your only way to freedom, but nothing in life comes easy. You're gripped by the back of your shirt and quite literally snatched away from him, Buddy looked over your struggling figure blankly and cocked his gun to the side.

He glanced between you and Steve then pointed the firearm to him, you struggled more, but he didn't give in to your screams of protest. "Don't worry Y/N you'll see him again-"


"What now?!" He barked turning towards the voice almost throwing you off the rails, he scowled seeing a very familiar Tankman. The Captain, standing only a few feet away from Buddy with his gun pointed at him, finger just resting on the trigger. "Put her down." He said coldly, Buddy raised an eyebrow at him bringing you closer to the rails.

"Very poor choice of words." And just like that, you're free but not the way you expected. Once Buddy released his grip everything seemed to become a blur, falling from god knows high up and moments away from hitting concrete. You could hear Captain's alarmed yell but seemed to be cut short.

You knew that this wasn't something you'd survive from, and yet you continued to fight. Reaching for something in the air, anything to hold onto and by some miracle your hands made contact with a pipe. Your heart was racing, still suspended in the air just a few feet away from the ground you glanced up just managing to see Buddy and Captain fighting and a few gunshots ringing throughout the room.

Unfortunately, your luck sucked ass. There we're four doors in this particular room, and god forbid it they swung open revealing a squadron of HAZARD soldier's. You cursed under your breath dropping and running back up the stairs, you had to leave before they're upon you and there was no escape.

Thankfully the two men seemed to stop fighting, and Buddy had a smug grin on his face. You didn't even say a word, but Captain seemed to already know what was happening. He hoisted Steve up and the both of you ran past Buddy just in time before the soldiers we're on the rails with you.


"You let them get away." One of the soldiers said as the rest pursued you and your feeble team. "Not necessarily, they think their free but in reality their even more trapped than they we're before." Buddy said with a small smile, turning towards the soldier. "I want every man on the job, they don't leave this fucking building no matter what."

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now