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[Time for emotional sh*t.- Strix]

It had been a couple of months since you arrived at the base and completed the first phase of your mission. When you we're given the second phase you we're later informed that you had a year at maximum. You really didn't need all that time since you we're already close with most of the tankmen but you appreciated it.

Over the months Captain had started to gain an interest in you, as did Ted and Steve. Sometimes they'd just talk with you for hours, each one fighting for the attention of you. It was flattering but not exactly what you we're looking for at the moment.

Your only escape was Tankwoman and Buddy. You would sneak into Tankwoman's room sometimes and just chat with her, there was one night when you had snuck into Cap's office and taken the Titanic DVD from his desk and watched it on the projector together.

If it wasn't that then you'd barricade your door and talk to Buddy. He discussed his bizarre "FNAF" theories to you, you we're enthralled that some half-assed old guy killed a bunch of kids and stuffed them into suits. Although it was weird sometimes he just seemed so happy to talk to you, so you obliged.

Since then, you've been keeping track of the information that many of the tankmen have told you. Things about their families, childhood, fears, etc. You kept all of this in a large empty book you found in the storage unit (which was where a few of the prototype tank's we're kept). 

You soon decided that for the mission and for your own selfish reasons, that you we're going to fill said book page to page with information about every single tankman. Two pages dedicated to each at maximum.


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty~"

"The fuck..?" You muttered burying yourself deeper under the sheets only to have them snatched away. You curled up at the sudden loss of your blankets, you turned to glare at the asshole who took them away. And surprise surprise! Captain.

"C'mon, you've been sleeping for hours. You got shit to do." He said sitting beside you, and observing you rather closely. "Like what?" You asked attempting to take the blanket back from him but he kept moving it out of reach.

"You're going on patrol with me dumbass, or did you forget?" Captain laughed, it was something you'd learned to love about him. Although you'd be advised not to get to comfortable with it, after all you still had a job to do.

"I didn't forget." You said sitting up fully and stretching. "But I'd really appreciate it if you could get out so I can get ready." Captain seemed reluctant to leave but did so after a few minutes of pushing. 

Once the door closed you changed out of your [c/n] pajamas, and into your tankman armor. Once you had you walked out seeing Captain waiting for you. "Shall we?" He grinned, extending his hand to you. "Fuck off." You replied with a snicker walking past him. 

Apparently this day's patrol was a little different, you weren't going to the outskirts of the base like usual. As a matter of fact you we're going uphill. "Captain? Where are we going?" You asked as he helped you up one portion of the hill. "You'll see." He replied and continued climbing up.

Since the battlefield was simply barren land, the hill was a bit of a surprise. Although it seemed more like a mini mountain with some jagged rocks and unstable ground with every step. When you had reached the top you stared at the view. It wasn't as breath taking as you imagined but it was good enough.

"Is there another reason you brought me here Cap?" You said standing beside him, not making eye contact. "Well, thought we could see whatever the Henchmen's are doing up here. But I also wanted to talk to you." 

Captain sat down, motioning for you to sit as well. You did so secretly wondering why he wanted to talk to you alone, but either way it'd be nice to know more about Captain beyond what you'd been told about him. "About?"

He sighed, you assumed he was trying to build up the courage to tell you this. "I- Goddamnit!" He laughed causing you to glance over at him. You remained patient not minding his sudden outburst. "Y/N..." Captain grabbed your hand suddenly, you had a sinking feeling that this wasn't just some apology.

"I love you."


[Author's note: I originally wasn't intending on making Cap say any of that, but it added to future drama so win win.]

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now