
585 31 17

It is optional to skip past this chapter if you do not like brutal scenes. - Strix


"Buddy this isn't what it looks like-" "Is that fucking so?" He snickered removing the gas mask every soldier had been forced to wear. He was smiling, but his eyes told a different story. Your body knew it was in danger, and yet you stayed there hoping to convince Buddy to help you.

You sighed, relaxing your posture and making certain to have your hand near your gun at all times. "I had to save them, I couldn't live with them being contained in the same walls as me, they're my friends!" He raised an eyebrow at you.

"And yet I thought we we're friends." He mumbled. You sighed and slowly approached him while talking as sweetly as possible. "We are friends Buddy, and as a friend I don't want to hurt you so please-" "No." You stopped in your tracks watching his movements, this wasn't going to work.

"Just no! Friends don't betray each other, they don't double-cross one another for a group of useless pieces of shit! I know for a fact you came in here for a specific reason, your selfish you don't want all of them... You just want one." His words we're like a knife to the back, and yet deep down you knew he was right.

If you'd made a decision back at the Tankmen base then you would've made it your goal to rescue the one you loved. You sighed shakily, you wouldn't cry here not in front of him. "And- and so that's why I'm not letting you leave with any of them." You glanced up at him, reaching for your gun only to have your hand shot in response.

You flinched, biting your lip as to not let him hear your pain. "Not only will you not leave, you'll die a failure." He hissed, you didn't have time for this. Making a break for it, you ran towards the door where the other Tankmen had gone through hoping to lose Buddy in the crowd.

But your plan was foiled realizing that every Tankman had left and the room you we're in was the main generator. You we're high up, the only thing keeping you from falling was the rails they'd placed along the metal "path", you we're fine with heights but with Buddy pursuing you it was a different story.

The door swung open hitting the wall with such force it could've made a dent, you went for your gun but fumbled it realizing the bullet wound was still present. The only other option was to run and so you did, descending the metal stairs.

If only you knew how close to escaping you we're. Almost seconds close... But Buddy grabbing the back of your shirt pulled you back practically slamming you into the stairs causing you to scream in pain. "Come on Y/N, get up!" He teased, and if it wasn't worse he leaned down and yanked you up by your hair dragging you up the stairs.

The moment you're back on the path he dropped you, pinning you down and staring at you for a moment. You looked everywhere but him only to be pulled back by his gaze. "I told you this before Y/N, stop ignoring me." You heard a clicking sound, seeing he had a fairly large pocket knife in his right hand.

The moment he raised it to plunge down you caught it between your hands struggling to keep it away from your face. But he was determined, the closer the blade got the more his smile grew and your fear spiked. You struggled and kicked, but it was no use, you couldn't do anything but look into his eyes which we're filled with bloodlust.

The blade grazed your nose, you whimpered beginning to lose your strength until suddenly he lurched forward and pulled back. The knife had slipped cutting your hand and a bit of your cheek, but you didn't care. Scrambling away from him, you saw what had stopped him.

A particular Tankman soldier, with circular googles was grappling with him from behind. It was Steve. You smiled deliriously, you couldn't believe it. Buddy was having a hard time with him, and Steve seemed to be reaching with his gun. In an act of complete savagery Buddy slammed his back into the rails with Steve still behind him causing him to crumble to the ground.

"STEVE!" You ran over to him only to be kicked back by Buddy. "Are you fucking kidding me? This is the person you love? Pathetic." You saw him pull out his gun and press it against Steve's chin. "Well he'll be even lovelier with a bullet through his skull, wouldn't you agree Y/N?"

You we're filled with hatred for him, every thought screamed in unison. Kill him. And that was exactly what you we're going to do, despite wounds you grabbed his pocket knife which had been lost due to the previous battle and managed to stab him in his arm.

He hissed pulling back from Steve and pulling it out glaring at you. "Gosh I bet that made you feel so happy..." Buddy touched the blood that was staining his armor now, he stared at it for a moment before laughing. If you didn't kill him now he would always pursue you, but you had to save Steve.

You glanced between the two before making your decision. You had to get Steve out of here no matter what.

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now