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The true ending so to speak. - Strix


An event held for a week in your honor, even though through it all you felt guilt seeping in. You had betrayed and abandoned the only family you had, they trusted you with their lives... But you succeeded in the mission right? Was it really worth the love and affection you received, even if it was a little rough?

You pondered that for the next few weeks, day after day night after night. Your mind constantly crossing back to this thought, you knew it was taking a toll on you. Sometimes you'd get lost in thought stopping everything you we're doing and staring off, or you would do everything lifelessly. Similar to a zombie in a way.

A few of your friends picked up on this, especially Buddy. Usually when you're acting off he'd force himself in and demand to help you even if you didn't want it. He was especially nosy but knew how to pry and pick at you to get you to spill, but this time he retained a distance. Avoiding you in every way and ignoring you.

Even taking it so far as to not sit next to you near the cafeteria, this made you feel even more lonely than you already felt. Buddy was the one thing that reminded you of the Tankmen in general, he harbored such chaotic and comical energy that you'd think he was one. And now he was avoiding you.

Three days.

Three days was all it took for you to finally get riled up enough to make the decision to break the Tankmen out. You wouldn't be able to free all of them, but you'd make sure to free the ones that you adored no matter what.

Sneaking out in the middle of the night was much easier than you imagined, only a few guards we're out on watch and most of them we're turning in for the night. You knew that when they did the security cameras would be activated, so you had to be quick.

There we're three rooms that could contain the Tankmen; the Labratory, Whiteroom, or Slaughterhouse. You prayed that it wasn't the first or last one, there was a chance that they wouldn't be alive and you we'rent sure you we're prepared for that.

Remaining to the shadows, you crept through the hallways hearing light chatter from the guards. They're turning in. The closest room to you was the White room at the moment, so you made a break for it, running towards the polished metal door and sticking your keycard into it.

Thankfully, instead of the disapproving buzzer there was a beep as the door swung open. You walked inside closing it behind you, and when you turned around you saw them. The entire army of Tankmen had been contained separately into multiple cells, it was a sad sight.

None of them looked up at you when you had entered, they'd possibly lost all hope. But you're going to return it for them, shaking with anticipation you searched for the control panel which was conveniently at the end of the hall.

You sprinted towards it immediately, soon realizing how long this prison was. Once you reached it you pressed the green button on it, the bars for every cell groaned in response lifting and giving a clear view of freedom to your friends.

One by one they each got up walking past you towards the supposed exit beside the control panel. Some of them gave you resentful looks, but other mumbled small thank you's. Either way you're still looking for someone amongst the crowd, or someone's too precise.

But to your dismay you didn't see them, but you assumed they had seen you, so all was well. There we're only five Tankmen left heading towards the exit but of course that was when everything had to go south. The metal door you had entered from swung open with a soldier standing in it's place.

They seemed as if they're going to reach for their radio but stopped mid-way staring at you. "Y/N?" You tensed, of course you couldn't escape without facing him. Your best friend; Buddy.

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now