5.7 FN

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It was the middle of the day now, everyone was taking assignments to keep an eye on the enemy side otherwise known as the Henchmen's. In your opinion that was a pretty dumbass name, but it was their choice at the end of the day.

You we're later informed that you we're assigned to training with Ted. As much as you enjoyed his company that was not what you we're hoping for so you took it straight to Captain. Making it a point to barge into his unlocked office as he was drinking whatever liquid was inside his trademark mug.

"I need a word Cap." You snatched the chair provided and sat down as if you owned the place. Captain raised an eyebrow at you from under his visor, maybe he was impressed with your straightforwardness... Or just laughing at the thought that he was going to put you in an even worse assignment.

"Kind of busy soldier." He replied not really paying you any mind. "Oh? Is that fucking so-" You leaned forward and snatched the coffee cup pouring it on the floor not breaking eye contact with him. "Busy now?"

"You're really pushin' your luck princess." Captain muttered under his breath, "Just hear me out."

"I don't exactly have much of a choice if you couldn't tell." He chuckled, adjusting himself in his chair waiting for you to make your statement. "I don't need to train with Ted, I already know how to handle a firearm." You said, causing Captain to scoff.

"Do you need me to prove it to you? Because I-" He held up his hand interrupting you. "No, I know your a skilled soldier. I just don't trust you." You sighed, of course he didn't trust you. He had a right not to I mean you we're being a bit feisty.

"How am I supposed to advance if you don't trust me Captain? At least let me take a different assignment so I can earn it." You crossed your arms, if he said no this time you might just have to try other tactics. "Fine, you can go on watch with Steve. Happy?" He crossed his arms waiting for your response.

You simply shrugged and stood up heading for the door. "Not even a thank you? Damn." Captain rolled his eyes, you noticed this but we're a bit more focused on the dark blue paper sitting on a few boxes towards the back. You needed to lead him out so you could get the key, now.

"Actually... Thanks Cap, I really appreciate your um- decision." You mumbled fidgeting a bit. He must've took the bait because he stood up, you knew that at least one order had to be ignored to get the key. Sadly, he did not do what you we're expecting.

"Yeah well don't get used to it." Captain said walking past you, close enough for you to grab the key. As he was exiting the door you walked with him unlatching it from it's chain and slipping it in your pocket, he turned to glance at you and you moved away from him.

"Sorry, I'll take the other way." He nodded and continued down the hall, you took the opposite path leading out into the wasteland where the tank was. Steve was already there, he looked a little confused to see you but seemed to relax after you told him what Captain said.

"I'm surprised he even agreed to it, he usually isn't like this." Steve commented while helping you into the tank, you simply responded with an "mhm" not really paying attention to what he was saying. The only thing you we're thinking about was how you we're going to sneak back into the office without being discovered.

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now