Semi-automatic firearm

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Most of the entire ride was filled with you continuously poking and prodding at him, teasing him about his flustered nature around both you and Captain at times. You underestimated the power of your words and when the tank stopped a little ways off from base you paused and took a moment to look at Steve.

He was gradually turning a shade of light pink and his body heat was rising steadily. It reminded you of a tea kettle in a way, but of course you expressed your concern. "Steve, you alright?" You questioned, he nodded and opened the hatch for the tank hoisting you up with him.

Coincidence or none, he ended up slipping on the rails and falling back with you. Let us be thankful this was not a very high drop but it was painful for both parties. "OW- FUCK!" He cursed attempting to get up but freezing noticing you on top of him. You remained calm for the most part, taking a moment to observe his reaction.

He was yet again the teapot, blush coating his cheeks and enough heat to fill the depths of hell. You moved back from him and stood up, offering a hand for him. He ignored it and got up himself, the walk back was quiet. You we're only a few steps away from the base when he suddenly grabbed your wrist.

"Steve?" You turned to him, this was becoming more and more similar to the situation with Captain. Minus the accidental physical contact. Your speculation was becoming closer to reality as he brought you closer.

This was only supposed to happen in movies, novels, and very odd fanfictions so why did his arms wrap around your waist? Why did the cold breeze brush past you, edging you on with swift breathy laughter? And god why did he lean in and kiss you?

It was a strange sensation, you'd only ever kissed someone for show. It was lacking in emotion, and you felt nothing at all. But this kiss, was alive in every possible way. It burned and flickered, making itself known to the entire world. For everything you knew about Steve this was the most you'd ever learned about him. 

Words we're one thing but an exchange of a kiss was something entirely different. Steve pulled away from you, not maintaining eye contact but mumbling a small "good night" and walking off. You turned and watched him leave, left in a strange daze. 

Your patrol with Steve had ended, you having nothing else to do returned to your room and collapsed onto your bed. Maybe sleeping would help you to get the strange fluttering feeling out of your stomach.

[Remember how I said light shipping? Hahaha... Now look where we are.-Strix]

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now