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"October 4th [XXXX]."

"That day, both the Tankmen and the Henchmen had enough of each others bullshit and decided to end it in the middle of the fucking night like a bunch of pricks. This was a couple of months after getting new recruits so those bitches wanted to get out as fast as they could.

 Those newbies kept picking fights with each other and causing unnecessary shit to go down. That's what led up to what everyone fittingly named Slaughter Season. Anyways, pretty much everyone was sleepin' after a long day and those fucking fucks decide to bomb, raid, and capture anyone they found.

So of course, emergency protocol was ensued and it was everyone for themself. I was woken up by the second bombing and got my gear, as soon as I stepped out another one of the Sniper's was waitin' for me. Probably was banging on the door like a fucking maniac earlier but I'm still not sure.

The entire thing was a mad dash, you couldn't see anyone- well we could but all those other fuckers couldn't- making everything more difficult than it already was. The guy that I was with took all the back routes like a smartass, and got us into the control room. 

Now I'm no technician so when I saw that shit I thought this guy was crazy, but apparently he was trying to close the gates so no other fucking Henchmen could get in and we could eliminate the ones inside. 

We we're there for about twenty fucking minutes trying to learn the controls and shut the gates, finally that guy figured it out and the gates began to close. Now I wouldn't be telling you this if everything went smoothly, because it fucking didn't.

Two of those Hench-fuckers snuck into the control room with us and radio'd their other buddies. Like a bitch.

They hadn't killed us yet so I assumed they we're a bunch of creeps who wanted to perform cock and ball torture on us... Sickos. Joke's on them because I don't- uh... Fuck never mind.

So, me and the one guy jump em'. We didn't intend on using our guns at the time since their better for long distance but they never tell you that you can break someones jaw with em'. After dragging them in a secluded area we go out to help the other guys...

This is where shit gets bad. The gates to outside we're closed, it was pitch black to everyone except for some smart bitches who brought lighters or night vision googles but it didn't tone down the carnage that was happening everywhere.

I didn't know what was worse at that moment, knowing that I probably just stepped on a bleeding corpse or saw the vague image of one. I was pretty much newbie material at that time, even though I was more skilled then all the fuckers here I wasn't in the mindset. 

So you can imagine my shock when the guy I was with was shot. I didn't see where the flashing came from so I was fucking lost and terrified as hell. In situations like those, you have three options. Fight, flight, or freeze.

And you know damn well I was fighting. I snatched those goggles off of that guy and put em' on, probably the worst decision I ever made but it worked. Minus the blood stains on it, I spotted the guy and managed to sneak up to him.

When I got to him, I only had my Mag with me and a fucking pocket knife. Sure I could shoot him but the blood was messin' up my vision, for all I knew I was trying to kill a goddamn wall. He must've heard me because he turned around quick as shit and raised his gun to shoot me.

Knocked that bitch right out of his hands, and slammed that motherfucker right into the wall. The impact must've been pretty harsh cause the guy's helmet was cracked and there was some blood trickling down his face. Of course, he was a dipshit and wasn't going to take a blow to the head and sit down like a good sport.

He took me down to the ground and attempted to pry the pocket knife out of my hands, which wasn't happening. I don't know what the hell happened but- it was all just a flash. I think I'd gotten pissed or excited and kicked him off, fucking snatched him back by his leg when he attempted to go for the gun and drove the knife through his chest.

If that wasn't interesting enough, I branded their corpse."


You stared at him, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Did you... Enjoy it?" You asked slowly, he turned away from you. You weren't sure if he was embarrassed or ashamed but he replied. "I did, I fucking did. I felt sick while doing it but god damn did it feel good." 

You weren't sure what to say, he reminded you of Buddy in a way. Both of them had this animalistic trait when it came to the harm of others, you never wanted them to meet. If it ever came to something like that, you vowed they would never see each other.

"Y/N! C'mon we have our patrol together!" You turned seeing Steve standing at the entrance of the bar, you said a quick goodbye to Ted and ran over to him.

TANKMEN: 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 ✓Where stories live. Discover now