Chapter 1: Warning!

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I ignored a young man's warning, but now I realize it wasn't brilliant, and I might have been alive if I had listened to him. Paranoia is what it would be if I were to heed the man's words. Don't believe me? I understand. We've just met, and I'm eager to tell you my story when you're ready to listen. My second year at the University of Westminster began with a kidnapping.


Seven Day Ago.


The sun had just begun to set on the horizon as I walked away from my apartment, feeling a sense of emptiness in my heart. It had been a few weeks since my ex-roommate had left to pursue her dreams of becoming a Lady in the popular series Bridgerton. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I thought of her, living her dream life in Paris while I was stuck here in our old apartment, all by myself. The gene from her family is what saved my life, period. Her loyalty and trustworthiness make her my most reliable friend. We said goodbye and hugged like friends. And that's what friends do. It's essential to establish and maintain positive relationships in our lives. It's hard to form an opinion about orphanages when you've never experienced living in one. Why am I at a mental home? My parents sent me there because of my 'troubled' behaviours. I didn't make trouble, so there is an invisible body no one but me can see them. Often, I come across beings that are invisible to others - ghosts. It's as if I have a unique ability to perceive them and know their names. That reminds me of the character of the little boy in the movie "The Sixth Sense," who could see and talk to ghosts. The similarities between us are striking. I see dead people, too!

I walked towards the stairs when I almost tripped on a three-step descent. Suddenly, a well-dressed man with white and silver striped clothing and a platinum blonde hairstyle appeared before me and caught my arm, preventing me from falling. I found myself leaning against his firm chest. As I looked up, my gaze was immediately drawn to his striking face. The chiselled features, sharp jawline, and well-groomed beard gave him an air of sophistication and charm. Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. I found myself caught in the enchanting gaze of his captivating blue-brown eyes, which seemed to pierce through my soul. It felt like time had stopped for a moment, and all that existed was the two of us, lost in each other's gaze. However, he suddenly broke the spell by giving me a friendly smile and nodding after I spoke.

"Thank you." I stood alone as I continued, causing him to lose both hands, "Um...! You live here?"

As he nods again, I smile back at him, but suddenly, a ghost materializes behind him without its head, its body translucent and pale. The sight takes me aback, and my face contorts into a frown. I feel a rush of fear and unease and quickly run outside my apartment to catch my breath. I continue walking, feeling the cool breeze on my skin, trying to shake off the bizarre encounter. Once outside, I close my eyes briefly, my heart still racing, and shake my head before opening them again, hoping the ghost has not followed me.

Dummy! Why? Why did you all leave me alone? A handsome stranger came to my rescue without speaking. Why did I gravitate towards him?

As I trudged towards the coffee shop adjacent to my apartment, frustration brewed within me, and I kicked the nearby bin in a fit of anger. Suddenly, an apparition of a child ghost materialized before me. Its translucent figure flickered in the sunlight, and its eyes bore an eerie glow. The ghost's lips curled into a wicked smile, revealing a set of sharp and menacing teeth. It then vanished into thin air, leaving me startled and bewildered.

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