Chapter 2: Rescued?!

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Why am I here at the place where I was kidnapped? Am I worth it? Is that it? What do they want from me? I want to go home and have a coffee with my friends from college, my close friend; Daniel Riley. I wish I could see their face, and so, it's been seven days without water or food. If I behave like a good girl, they will give me whatever I like, food, drink, etc., but they seem to be ignoring me, so either way, if I behave like a child or being a good girl, I'm not getting out of here.

"Hand up," A stren voice bellows at me; it sounds like an older woman who will dress me... I listen and obey her.

I feel it's a dress... My body is tight, and still, blindfolded, I can't see anything. I was scared of what they would do to me, and I was confused about why they sent this woman to dress me.

"I am obeying the master's order, but help me, little girl..! Please, help me!" A woman whispers in my left ear, and she breathes out of the wind to my ear.

It makes me realise what was about to happen... I was about to be abused by this lady... I wanted to scream 'no please'...

"No, please, don't do it to me! I will do anything to beg you! I'm begging you!" When I start to shout to anyone who can hear me as the woman touches my right leg, I sob.

It was silent except for a woman's moan or something until I heard the ceiling roof breakthrough, and I see a white blur through my black blindfold as I listened to a footstep coming toward me. A heavy thud on the floor after white blur land on the floor. Then I heard a gun cock and its' hands of white blur reach to my blindfold as I stop it by slapping its hand. He quickly grabs my arm and wraps his hands around both of my shoulders like a hug as I saw the white blurs wrap around my body. I panicked when I heard the click sound as their gun bullets point at us. White blurs turn into a beautiful silver blur in my blindfold. I can listen to the gun continue to point at us, and it makes my hands move onto my ears, but I can't move my body at all; I'm frozen.

Bang, bang, bang! It was loud, heavy and reminded me of my real mum. When I was younger, I was there, but somehow I survived; later, I found she was chased in a car and shot at by some men ordered to kill her. I haven't had the best family upbringing as my dad remarried not long after my mum died. So then I had a new 'mother' in my dad's eyes, but that wasn't how it made me feel.

White blurs let me go, and I feel a strong wind as it blew my hair. I fainted after staying still while I can hear other people run away to leave both of us alone, and I got a lift by its big hands. A butterfly in my stomach makes me feel floaty, and it takes the blindfold off my eyes as I open my eyes a little.

It's this man who saved me and warned me about letting my guard down. It's dark outside, and we fly over the water for me to look down to see its two wings to link to a bird can fly!

He takes my hand to touch the water and look at my reflection as he looks at me with his cold blank face. I move my face up to get close to his handsome face, and he almost caught me before I turn away from staring for a long time.

Oh, my! I'm sure that was only a dream. Then a beautiful city that I've never seen in view. He's flying to getting me home before I slip away into unconsciousness, and I was almost there, but I fall into a deep sleep.


"Rose Marie Blossom. Rose!" I hear that it sounds like the same man who warned me, and I groan after he says one name to me.

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