Code ETD

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A/n: I'll be combining this episode 83 with 84 and 85

Shana's P.O.V

With Carla leading the way, we infiltrated the tunnels under the king of Edolas castle, but it wasn't long 'til we were ambushed and captured by Edolas Erza Knightwalker. 

Natsu, Wendy and I yelped when we were thrown harshly into a cellar. They also separated us from Lucy, Happy and Carla. 

"Why, you!" Natsu marched in front of this new guy that had blue and white hair. "Hey, where are the others?" Natsu asked him. "Other?" The guy asked. "Yeah, where're our friends Lucy, Carla and Happy?" Wendy glared at the guy.

 "Who's Lucy?" The guy questioned. "Oh, you mean the blond bimbo? Pretty little thing. Unfortunately, we've got no use for her. So she's gonna be executed." The guy smirked. Yeah, I was afraid of that answer. The guy then held my chin tightly up to looked at him. "She's not as valuable as you three." He kept the smirked at him. I glared at him. 

Natsu pushed me behind him as he grabbed on to the bars. "Don't you dare touch her." He used his free hand in front of me in a protective matter.  "If you jerks so much lay a finger on Lucy, I swear you're gonna pay. I'll burn you to a pile of ashes!" He yelled angrily. 

"Whoa. Well, aren't you a scary one? So tell me something, are earth land wizards just as ferociously as you are?" The guy teased. "Wanna find out?" I threaten with my glare on. "Aren't you a though one too?" He said. 

"You're gonna execute Lucy? What will happen to Carla and Happy?" Wendy asked worriedly. "No need to worry about the exceeds." The guy said. "His name is Happy get it straight!" Natsu yelled. "The exceeds accomplished their mission, so we took 'em back to their homeland. In fact, I bet the little guys have claimed their reward and are having a feast as we speak." The guy explained. Exceeds? Is that what Happy and Carla are called? "What?" Natsu yelled again. 

"What do you mean? What mission?" Wendy asked not understanding. I then remember Carla did something about how she and Happy might betray us. Could this be what she meant? "No way, that's not possible!" It was my turn to yell. "I don't know what kind of mission you guys sent her on, but I know Carla abandoned it!" Wendy shouted. 

The guy just laughed. "Oh, yeah? She actually completed it like a pro." He taunt us.  We gasped. "That can't be." Wendy said frowning. "What are you making them do for you?" I growled at the guy. He chuckles. "You mean, you still haven't figured it out yet?" 

The guy had told us their hole plan. They told us how they sent Happy and Carla to Earth-Land to eliminate us but was changed into capturing us to Edolas. They wanted to extract the Dragon Slayer's magic power for their own. I wasn't buying it. "This is so cool. We finally got our hands on you." He taunted us more. "You three have so much of that awesome Dragon Slayer's magic inside you all we gotta do now is suck it out." He laughed.

 If they do then we-we can died if all our magic is drained from us. Magic is like a life source for us wizards.  


Not long the guy left leaving Natsu, Wendy and I alone. "I don't believe it. Happy would never turn his back on us, that's just impossible." Natsu said as we were having a hard time processing what we have found out. "Of course we shouldn't. We know who Happy really is." I placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"What you jerks do to my buddy? Tell me!" Natsu yelled!. I sweat dropped. He started grunting trying to break the bars down. "There he goes again." Alastor said. "Too scared to face me?" He yelled. Oi. Just thinking about this really made me miss Kilala. "Then I'll just have to come to you!" He started kicking the bars. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now