Who's The Lucky One!

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Shana's P.O.V

After a week has past, everyone that was going to participate in the S-Class trials gathered around Port Hargeon along with partner, as we set sail towards the destination. 

"Oh, why is it so hot? Wasn't it snowing the other day? Feels like my skin's gonna melt off! I'd love to turn into a popsicle, but Happy would just eat me." Lucy whined seeing the weather was unruly blazing hot.  "I'll think I'll pass." He replied not even wanting to bother.

"Lu, I know it's ridiculously warm, but do you have to sit like that?" Levy questioned the Celestial mage's sitting potion on the chair she sat on. "You think it's warm? It's freaking boiling here year round 'cause there's never any wind." Canna argued as she fanned herself while little Wendy groans. 

"So hot!" Happy cries out weakly. "My kingdom for an ice cream cone." Lucy mutters out. "Kingdom." Happy repeats. 

"Alright we get it. It's a scorcher. Talk about something else." Gajieel snaps as he didn't try to let the heat get to him. "

Juvia, aren't you hot, wearing that? You're gonna get a heatstroke." Lisanna asked her partner as Juvia was still wearing her outfit that looked like its made for winter. "No, i'm perfectly fine. However, one thing that might do it.... is the sight of my beloved Gray's naked body." Juvia had heart eyes at the last part. 

I sent her some death glares. She wasn't wrong Gray was butt naked. Like, we can see his you know what. I don't even know why I'm even looking. "I'm dying here! Shana, can't you turn your flame haze mode off!!! I can feel Alastor's flames from all the way here!" Gray whines. "Yeah, and watch me suffer like the rest of you? No thanks." I closed my eyes sipping on my drink. Being a fire flame haze made me immune to any heat source. But I can also just dive into the ocean since I'm also a Water Dragon Slayer. 

"So this is what hell is like!" Natsu groans with a puke face. He wasn't technically effected by the weather either it more his stupid motion sickness. "You're way off." Alastor said at the comment Natsu said. 

Natsu started making his way towards me. I shriek. "Natsu, take one more step closer to me and it will be the end for you!" I warned him stepping back. "It wouldn't be so bad if Wendy would cast that miracle spell on me again." Natsu cried as he held on to his stomach but then ended up going over the ship rail to barf. I sweat dropped. 

"You can't blame her though. I mean she is technically your enemy." Loke points out to him. "Sorry, Natsu. Hang in there." Wendy smiles guilty at him. He just groans in pain. "Meow!" Kilala spoke as she wiggled her tails. 

"Well, isn't this touching? Here they are about to engage each other in brutal combat and they're being all buddy-buddy." Evergreen chuckles fanning herself siting in bikini in front of Elfman "Ugh! I'm roasting! I'm like a man-steak." He shouts. "Would you mind roasting away from me?" Evergreen spats. 

"Hey, Happy. Turn into a popsicle." Lucy begged him. "I'll just taste like dried fish and regret." He weakly replied. "At this point, I'd put almost anything in my mouth as long as it's cold." She admits. Then she shot her eyes open. "Wait, a second..." Lucy says sitting back up straight. 

"Hmm?" I said as I felt her looking straight at me. "Shana!" She ran up to me as everyone stared at her in question. "Gah!" I jumped back startled. "You're a Water Dragon Slayer!" She had hope in her eyes. "Uh... yeah, last time I check I am." I raised an eyebrow at her. "That means you can control water! And change the temperature of it." She was a little too close to me. "And...?" I questioned her suspiciously knowing where this was going.  "So..... cover this ship with your water!!!" She yelled. I scuffed the other way. "Didn't you hear what Loke said, 'Were on different teams' so you're technically my enemy." I declined her suggestion. "You're so cruel!" She shook furiously. "Knock it off!" I struggled to say being shaking back and forth. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now