Dissonance of Battle

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Shana's P.O.V

As we were arriving to the church to protect from Oracion Seis with the team Cana had set up, just our luck our team managed to run into some of them. The robot machine dude laughs. " I don't know what you are ya freak, so lets fight this between demon to demon." I glared at him gettin in my fighting stance. 

" I'll just have to deal with you later... hear me,  Octo geezer!" Natsu glare up at Byro, who we happen to run into as well. He was standing on top of the cliff. 

" Please! Don't consider yourself as a demon when you're only half! Watch out I've got a big surprise for a cocky half breed like you!" He pulls down the lever to his matching attacks thing. 

Natsu and I charged right at him. " Looky here! Cool down with a magic ice pop!" A gain popsicle landed right in front of us as it block Natsu's attack creating a foggy mist.

" Damn it, can't see squad!" I yelled as I hit something. " Ahh! Punch him, not me!" Natsu shouted at me, seeing it was him that I hit. " It's not my fault you got in my way!" I argued. Alastor sighs. 

" We can't beat him like this! We have to start working together to take this guy down with some serious teamwork!" Lucy scolded us. 

" It's Natsu's fault!" I said as he glared at me. " Why you blaming me?" He shouted. " 'Cause you've been acting wired ever since we got teamed up? Our attacks are not in sync. What's with you?" I yelled as he just pouted and avoided my gaze. " I-I can't tell you." He says in a low voice but I still heard it. It confused me even more. I can feel he's hiding something from me. 

" Can't you two argue about this later and just focus on working together like your supposed to?" Alastor shouted. " Try telling that to him!" I scuffed crossing my arms. 

" C'mon Natsu! You and Shana need to start to working together or how else are we gonna defeat this guy?" Lucy yelled at him. 

Natsu finally manages to look up at me. My heart started racing all of the sudden when I saw how he was looking at me. He shook his head and slapped his face. " Right. I'm sorry." He said finally getting it together. I knew something wasn't right. 

Lucy nods. " Cancer, will you lend us a hand?" She summoned Cancer.  

"I'm on it baby!"  Cancer started charging in after Natsu and I followed. 

" You better not mess up, Natsu!" I yelled.

" Get off my back will ya?!" He yelled back.  " Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" 

" Oh, yeah! I'm gettin' lucky today... I hit the Steel walls!" Jackpot smirks. 

I gasped as we got trapped in these damn steel walls he summoned. Cancer and I yelled in pain as we ended up getting hit with Natsu's attack. " Watch it, Natsu!" I shouted. " Are you tryin' to boil me in here?" Cancer also yelled at him. " It's not my fault!" Natsu yelled back. 

I saw that Cancer was staring at me. I grew an anime vain. " Keep looking at me like that and I'll give you taste of my fist!" I threaten him. " Hey, relax baby. I just wanna cut your hair!" Cancer said. " Cut my hair and you die!" I yelled. 

" Would you guys please stop fighting each other?" Lucy screamed. 

" I don't think they make a good match to me?" Michelle pointed out. Lucy frowns. " But... Natsu and Shana have always worked well together.... I don't know why he's acting like this. But Cana used her powers to create these teams. They're supposed to work well together and be perfect for their destinations." Lucy said not knowing why he's being so wired around me. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now