Labyrinth Capriccio

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Shana's P

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Shana's P.O.V

" Gray my darling look."  Juvia pointed to what may look like an entrance way. " What's up? Did you find a way in? Whoa, what in the heck is that thing?" Gray asked. " Defiantly seems like an entrance to me." I told him. It was a gold door shaped in a triangle. " Going inside is our only option at this point." Juvia suggested. 

" I will not allow it. I forbid you scoundrels' from entering. " The cave spoke. 

I chuckled. " Thought I smelled something rotten." I smirked getting into my fighting stance.  " I guess we'll have to fight get past the guardian." Juvia said. " Fine by me. I've been wanting to dig my claws into something for a while now." I cracked my fingers. " That's just grate. Sorry... " Gray got into his stance with Lyon. " We don't have time to play with you." Lyon shouted.

The rock monster came to attack us just as Gray and Lyon were activating their magic when I jumped in round house kicked its rock face. It yelled as it covered it's eye. " So it's eye its weakness? Nice kick Shana, but don't you think you went overboard?" Gray asked completed me as their magic had no effect on it. " Like I said I've been itching to punch something." I said relaxing my muscles. 

" Look! The door is opening." Alastor said as the triangle door started to open up. " Well, that was freakin easy." I said almost disappointed. I was hoping for a challenge. 

" You're just as strong as ever Lady Shana!" Lyon came all sparkly at me.  " Don't call me that." I deadpanned at him. Next to me, Gray was sulking. " C'mon let's just go inside you guys."


" These are the ruins of a church." Lyon pointed out as we walked inside the ruins. " Hey look... isn't that zentopia's emblem?" Gray asked. " What are those floating rock cubes?" Juvia also asked.  " They've got strange markings on every side of them." Lyon pointed out. " They're not markings. They're writings. Though, I can't make out what It means." I corrected him.

 " I think we're gonna have a better chance of finding the clock if we split up." Gray suggested. " That's a good plan." Alastor agreed. " Shana and I will look over here." Lyon said grabbing my hand a pointed to his left. I deadpanned. " Yeah, nice try buddy. She's coming with me." Gray pulled me back. I sigh. 

" Will you two knock it off! I ain't an object." I yelled 

After fighting, Gray and I went side deeper the ruins. " What's up?" Gray asked me as he notice I was staring at the blocks. " I have a hunch, but I feel like these blocks might mean something." I held my had up to one of them and they connected. So then I started putting them together to if they can mean something. 

" What are you guys doing?" Lyon asked coming over to us. " Shana thinks that moving the blocks like this might be a key to something." Gray told him. " Great thinking my lady Shana!" Lyon said with a blush face. I glared daggers at him. " I thought the next time you call me that I would end your life." I growled. " Oh no. I made my lady Shana upset. I'm so very sorry." He said with guilty eyes. I anime fell. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now