The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon

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A/n: Alright, not much to say so yes I've uploaded like a lot of chapters today and yester that's cause I want to get the Edola's Arc over and move on to the next one and also I'm making up for the lack of updating but that's it for now.

Normal P.O.V

Gajieel was still fighting against Pantherlily. "Gajieel!" Happy worriedly called out to the Iron Dragon Slayer, who blocked the giant exceed's sword. 

" Normally, this sword can slice through iron as easily as it would through butter. How where you able to stop it using only your bare hands?" Pantherlily questioned the Iron Dragon Slayer. "That's because Iron Dragon scales ain't made out of your everyday metal. So now you tell me, if you're one of them super cats why the heck are fighting for the other side?" Gajieel questioned the cat this time. 

"Yeah, about that. If you're and Exceed like I am, I bet you love fish. I'll even give you one of mine." Happy said shaking. 

Pantherlily raised his sword up. "That choice was made long ago." He said. "Huh?" Gajieel muttered. "I put that place behind me. That foul kingdom of lies!" The black Exceed charged at them again. 

Gajieel blocked it with his arms. "What does he mean by that?" Happy asked. 

Gajieel laughs. "I'm guessing you didn't really fit in there, did ya? I know all about that, brother" Gajieel said recalling the times when Fairy Tail had a hard time accepting him as a new member considering he was their enemy at one point. He chuckles. "You're all right by me." Gajieel grins. "Huh?" Pantherlily mutters. 

Gajieel chuckles as he smashed Pantherlily's sword. "But I'm still making you my cat." He kept his grin on. "What!" Happy yelled disbelief. 

"He shattered my Bustermarm sword." Pantherlily said shocked. He gasped when Gajieel jumped up to attack him. "But before that I'm gonna teach you I'm way stronger than you, kitty." Gajieel said.  

"Whoa! It's like he got his butt-kicking switched turned on or something." Happy said amazed as Gajieel smashed Pantherlily to the ground. 

"Salamander, Blazing Eyes, and that little girl are gonna be so jealous of me." Gajieel bragged. "Iron Dragon Roar!" Gajieel used his breath attack and he smashed Pantherlily deeper into the ground.  Gajieel let out a crazy laugh. 

"Super scary metal monster face!" Happy screamed as Kilala sweat dropped. 

Pantherlily got up and took of his cape. Gajieel chuckled. "Yeah. Now that's the spirit." He cracked his knuckles. "You're good." Pantherlily said without warning he charged at the Iron Dragon Slayer. 

Gajieel groan as he was hit in the face. He grins landing a punch back at Pantherlily. And it went like that for a while. 

"Okay, is it me or is Gajieel getting a little distracted here?" Happy asked from the sidelines. "Kilala let out a little roar agreeing with the blue cat. 

Both Gajieel and Pantherlily laugh as they punch each other. 

Shana's P.O.V

Gray and I had defeated Ugly Mug faced here and he told how we could turn our friends back to normal. "I told you I'm an Ice make wizard, chin boy. I can make anything." Gray smirked at the fallen Ugly Mug before us. Gray was holding an Ice key the same key that I had broke that was important to the lacrima. I knew I didn't have to worry if I broke the key since Gray can just remake it. 

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