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Natsu: Hey, guys

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Natsu: Hey, guys. Ready for some more Fairy Tail? Just make sure when you're watching you turn the lights on in the room. And don't sit too close in the T.V

Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/118K3U2XggJNUQZ8odRK9lOqJXCMSEG01/view?usp=sharing

Shana's P.O.V

Gray had just finished his battle with Lyon, that's when this loud horrifying Roar rang through out the whole inter place. I covered my ears and brought my head closer to my knees. It wasn't much help tho. 

Gray:"They did it. They actually revived it. I'm sorry Shana but there's only one thing let to do... Ice Shell" Gray clinched his fist.

I glance up at Gray and gave him a worried look. 'Please, Gray. Don't think about using it. You promised me.'

Gray and I finally reached below the temple where Deliora is

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Gray and I finally reached below the temple where Deliora is. The ice was completely melted. It was Roaring again. 

Gray went to reach some of the water with his hands and stared at it. "Thanks you." I heard him say. 

'Gray!'  i couldn't help but feel sorry from him. 

"Hey. What are you doing here? Are you guys okay?" Natsu called out to us. I had my arm around Gray's shoulders since I was still wounded by the fighter earlier with Lyon. It was being supported by Gray's ice magic, right now I'm in my human form. 

"Natsu!" Gray and I both said together. At least he was okay. 

"Yeah, I'm fine just went a bit overboard."  I gave him an assured smile. If he knew the truth then he would lose it and really kill Lyon. 

"There's only one thing we can do now. We gotta take that thing down." Natsu suggested that's the only way we can defeat it. 

"Neither one of you are strong enough." Lyon crawled towards us. He had this crazy look on his eyes. "But I am. I will defeat it.I'm going to surpass Ur, finally." He laughs a bit he surly wasn't going to give up. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now