Turbulent Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus

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Authors note: I did my next to fix some grammar 😅

Shana's P.O.V

At the Guild, my eyes were glued to book on top of books trying to figure what the message was written on Lucy's father's Memento. I growled and slammed my head on the table, causing Kilala to growl from being startled. " Whoa! Take it easy, Shana." Lucy puts her hand out. " I have no clue how Levy does this!" I whined rubbing now my red forehead. " finally broke, huh?" Alastor chuckles. " Oh, don't worry, Shana. I'm sure you can figure it out what it means." Michelle assured me. I leaned back crossing my arms. The only reason I'm not able to think straight is because of 'her'.

" We've taken a new job request." Erza announced walking up to us with Gray. " There are some bad guys stealing gold that we need to catch." Gray explained the job they got. " Just what a I need to clear my head. I've been wanting to punch something since I started reading these stupid book." I said shutting the one I was currently reading.

" Sorry, but I'm gonna pass on this one." Lucy told them. " We're having a hard time getting very far on figuring out what this inscription says." Michelle pointed.

Gray chuckles. " Really? Even for you, Shana?" He teased me. I glare at him. " Watch it there buddy!"

" Where's Natsu?" Erza asked looking around for the pink haired dragon. " No clue, I think he took off a while ago." Lucy said. " It's kind of nice not having him round around yelling like a crazy person while these ladies work." Alastor joked. " Yeah, I can't imagine working with him around." Gray agrees. Speaking of Natsu, lately he's been acting really wired around me. I tried asking him about it but he just pretends like it's nothing.

" Well, then, we'll be leaving. Are you coming with us Shana?" Erza asked me. I looked over at Lucy. " Mind If I join them?" Wait why do I need her permission? She nod. " It's best that you get a break so you don't end up ripping my head of instead." She pocked fun at me. I sent her a glare.

" Alright, let's be on our way." Erza said turning around. I got up and followed them as Kilala jumped on my shoulder.

Standing in the middle of the two, I just realized that.... It's Erza, Gray and I. Well, if this ain't going to be freaking awkward.

Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cc6wAkmTlp6V-6v22Zt-fJMki_kTuffs/view

" This is so boring!" Natsu whined as he and Happy where out fishing. " Come on, it's a matter of 'lunch or death' here Natsu. I brought you here so you can take your mind off Shana for a bit." Happy told him. Natsu gave the blue cat a confused look. "Why bring her up?" He leans back. " You might not make it so obvious to the other's but it's obvious to me that you like her! And I mean like her, like her!" Happy mocked him. " N--No I don't!" Natsu argued. Natsu tightens his lips to keep himself from exploding. " To be honest I'm surprised you haven't killed Gray yet for taking your women." Happy turned back to the river. " Would you stop that! She ain't my women!" Natsu yelled standing up. Happy frowns. " You don't have to hide this from me buddy."

There was a puzzle look on Natsu's face as he stares at the ground. Perhaps his friend right. There might be a part of him that had developed some small feelings for his half-demon friend, that he had kept locked away to himself. Happy thinks he always had those feelings when they were kids. He guesses Natsu never talked about it because Shana would always be seen hanging out with Gray. He knew he couldn't compete with him, no matter how hard Natsu tried. So he would cherished the little moments he did get to have time with Shana alone.

When he found out from Happy that Gray and Shana were secretly together the chain that held his locked away feelings broke. He was too late. To Natsu, he was never going to tell Shana the truth about how she means to him but as long as she can still be by his side that's at that matters to him.

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