Erza vs. Erza

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Just when Lucy, Happy and Carla thought they where done for a turn of luck was back on their side. Three mysterious figures came to their aid. And these mysterious figures happened to be earth-land's Gray, Erza and Kilala. 

"No, it can't be." One solider said shocked from their appearance. "I don't believe it. It looks just like her. Captain Erza?" Solider 2 said talking about Earth-land's Erza and Edo Erza. 

"Erza! Gray! Kilala!" Lucy smiled relieved to know they were still alive and here. 

"Man, that's one scary looking beast!" One solider said talking about Kilala. Kilala stood there in her big cat form growling at them. "Wait is that Gray Surge?" One solider asked. "No, those three are earth landers." The other Solider said. 

"You guys got some explaining to do. Where is my best friend Shana are our friends that your king turned into a lacrima?" Gray asked giving them a death glare as he attacked the soldiers with his Ice make lance.  They yelped being pushed back. 

Edo Erza jumped on the side of the walls and tired to attack Gray but our Erza blocked her. 

When both weapons clashed they created a huge shock waved

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When both weapons clashed they created a huge shock waved. "It's Erza against Erza?" Lucy couldn't believe what she was seeing. 

Gray froze in his spot when Shana's blood curling scream ran through his ears. He looked down the hall with fear in his eyes. He never heard her scream like that before. Not only was she screaming her screaming sounded if it was demonic almost if she was ready to transform in to a full demon soon. "I told you to let her go!" He heard Natsu shout. "T-That was Shana." Gray said gaining his composure. "They must be near by." Lucy said. Kilala was growling. She knew that her friend was in trouble. 

"It came from up ahead." Happy pointed out. "And I bet Wendy's with them." Carla said trying to get up. 

"Go on Gray, I can handle this. I have a feeling Shana's admits of transforming. If anyone can stop her it's you." Erza assured Gray that she had things handle with Edo Erza. "Right." He ran over to Lucy.

"You okay? Can you stand up?" Gray asked her as she sat up. "Yeah." Lucy replied as Gray froze the slim thing that was wrapped around her wrist. Kilala went over to Happy and Carla for them to get on her. "All right Kilala's back!" Happy cheered happy to see his twin tail cat friend. 

"Where the heck did you guys come from?" Lucy questioned the ice wizard in front of her. "I'll give you all the details later. Let's go." Gray said as they went down the hall where they heard Natsu and Shana's screams, while Erza was having her own against herself. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now