Super Aerial Battle: Natsu VS Cobra

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Author's note: Sorry if this chapters sucks I might go back and edit this chapter tomorrow and add the actual Natsu and Cobra fight parts in I don't know. 

sorry also for the lack of pictures 

sorry also for the lack of pictures 

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Shana's P.O.V

After Natsu left, Gray, Lucy and I went inside to check things out. Once we got inside we had entered an era that looks like deserted run down city. 

"So any idea what this place is?" Gray asked. 

"You mean aside from ruins on the back of a giant monster no clue." Lucy replied. 

"I thought Nirvana was some kind of powerful magic, not a bunch of broken down buildings and rubble." Gray said. 

"If it's a city, what panned to the people?" Lucy asked. 

I gasped sniffing the air. I caught a familiar scent. "An excellent question. Oh yeah! This is the mythical city of Nirvana." We turned around to see HotEye and Jura. 

"And seeing you here puts the odds in our favor." Jura said with a relief smile. 

"That's the guy from Lyon's guild." Gray mentions 

"And one of the Oracion Seis." I added 

"What the heck?" The three of us said in unison. 

"There's no need to worry.  HotEye is now on our faithful ally. " Jura mentioned. 

"He is?" Gray asked 

"All you need is love! Oh yeah." HotEye exclaimed happily. 

I made a face as I backed up lifting my arm up from wired-out. "No way!" Lucy and Gray yelled. 

"Isn't this the guy who did nothing but screamed money this money that before?" Lucy whispered to us.  I nod. 

"Yeah, I think so. Baldy must've beaten some sense into him, huh? " Gray agreed.  

We sweat dropped seeing HotEye having hearts behind him."We were about to duke it out and he had a change of heart." Jura explained. 

"I guess it had to do with Nirvana's magic." Alastor pointed out. 

"Ah, we just went through the same thing with Sherry. Except she defiantly changed for the worst. " Gray muttered. 

"Yeah, lady love pretty much went psycho on us there for a bit." Lucy said. 

"What? Is she okay?" Jura worriedly asked about her. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now