I hear the Voice of My Friend

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Shana's P.O.V

" Hey, Lucy! Listen up! I know that you can hear me right now! Just hang on! I promise I will save you!" Natsu called out to her.

I glared at Michelle. We don't have much time left. I gotta think of something fast. " Warning. Another of the seals has disappeared. If the remaining three vanish, The holders of the clock will lose possession." Lucy said as she was starting to be fused with that stupid clock. 

" C'mon Lucy! Please snap out of it!" Natsu shouted worriedly. 

We gasped as Midnight appeared behind us. " No matter how much you plead, it's useless. Very soon, Lucy Heartfilia and the Infinity Clock will become one. 

" And once they are completely merged, we will finally have absolute control over real nightmare!" Klodoa smirked. 

" Not happenin'!" Natsu glared at them. 

" I won't let anyone touch my big sister! She and I will stay together for the rest of time! For all of eternity." Michelle smirked. I growled at her. 

" Natsu! What's goin' on over there? How's Lucy?" Warren asked through telepathy. 

" No so good! If we don't hurry she's gonna be absorbed by the Clock!" Natsu replied to him.  " Are you serious?" Warren asked worriedly. 

Warren was telling us that we need to defeat the Neo-Oracion Seis to save Lucy or it's game over for everyone! I know Warren

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Warren was telling us that we need to defeat the Neo-Oracion Seis to save Lucy or it's game over for everyone! I know Warren. If you can just get out of my damn head I know a way we can defeated them easily. I got two options. Which I know both of them Natsu won't be too happy about. But now's not the time to think of the outcome. 

" Hey, I got an idea." I said glancing to Natsu. " What you got planned?" He asked hearing me out. " The only way we're gonna be able to defeat these jerks and save Lucy in time is.... If I.... If I go into my demon form." Even just thinking about it makes my skin crawls. 

" No! No way!" Natsu shook his head. " We can still beat 'em with out having to resort to that." 

" Do you think I would be suggesting this if there was?" I yelled at him. " You would really lose all self control just to save Lucy?" Natsu asked me. He thinks I'm bluffing. Though, he's right..... Am I really thinking about going full ass demon only for her? I never even liked her to begin with. 

' Shana!!!' 

I gasped. Why did I just hear Lucy's voice right now? 

----- Flashback-----

" Geez, what' your problem with me?" Lucy aske being angry with me. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now